A collection of recipes from many sources. 收集來自許多不同來源的食譜。
Main Dish 主菜
- Instant Pot Cooking Time 快煲電壓力鍋烹調時間
- Eggplant Stir Fry 炒茄子
- Chicken casserole 西式焗烤雞燉菜
- Curry Chicken 咖哩雞
- Steamed Chicken with Shaoxing Wine 紹興蒸雞飯
- Taiwanese Popcorn Chicken 鹽酥雞
- Braised Pork Rice 滷肉飯
- Egg dumpling 蛋餃
- Deep-fried Pork Ribs 酥炸排骨酥
- Steamed Spare Ribs with Fermented Black Bean 豆豉蒸排骨
- Braised Tofu with Minced Meat 肉末燜豆腐
- Microwaved Salmon 微波鮭魚
- Hakka-style stir-fried squid 客家小炒
Appetizer/Salty Pastry 開胃菜/鹹麵點
- Bean Curd Sheet Roll With Oyster Sauce 蠔油鮮竹卷
- Bean Curd with Vermicelli 油豆腐細粉
- Five Spiced Bean Curd Meat Rolls 五香肉卷
- Soy Sauce Eggs 滷蛋
- Chicken and Sticky Rice Wrapped in Lotus Leaves 荷葉糯米雞
- Oyster omelette 蚵仔煎
- Garlic Chives Wrap 韭菜盒子
- Onion Beef Pie 洋蔥牛肉餡餅
- Scallion Pancake 蔥油餅
- Baked Scallion and Pork Stuffed Sesame Biscuit 蟹殼黃
- Thousand Layers Scallion Pancake 千層葱花餠
- Shanghai Pan-fried Buns 上海生煎包
- Shanghai Spring Rolls 上海春卷
- Taro Pancake 芋頭煎餠
- Crispy Chinese Turnip Pastry 蘿蔔絲酥餅
- Turnip Cake 蘿蔔糕
Noodle/Pasta/Dumpling 麵/餃子
- Home-made Noodle 自製麵條
- Fried sauce noodles Zhajiang Mian 炸醬麵
- Garlic Seafood Pasta 蒜香海鮮義大利麵
- Stir-fried Rice Noodles with Beef 乾炒牛河
- Taiwanese Beef Noodle Soup 臺灣牛肉麵
- Homemade Dumpling Wrappers 自製餃子皮
Soup 湯
Bread 麵包
- Desiccated Coconut Toast 椰蓉吐司
- Garlic Butter Loaf 蒜香手撕面包
- Green Onion Cheese Bread 香蔥起司麵包
- Hokkaido Milk Bread 北海道牛奶吐司
- Milk Bread (Kristina Cho) 牛奶麵包
- Scallion Toast 蔥捲吐司
Dessert/Sweet Pastry 點心/甜點
- Chinese Almond Cookies 杏仁餅
- Crunch Almond Seed Cookie 杏仁大瓦片
- Apple Square 蘋果方塊
- Flour's Famous Banana Bread 著名的香蕉麵包
- Chocolate Chip Cookies (King Arthur's Supersized, Super-Soft) 巧克力餅乾
- Easy Portuguese Egg Tart 簡易葡氏蛋塔
- Granola 燕麥脆片
- Lemon Bar 檸檬方塊
- Muffin (with Berry) 瑪芬 (莓果)
- Butter and Jam Thumbprints 奶油果醬拇指餅乾
- Thumbprint Cookie 拇指餅乾
- Taro Sago in Coconut Milk 芋頭椰汁西米露
- No-Churn Blueberry Ice Cream 免攪拌藍莓冰淇淋
- No-Churn Mango Ice Cream 免攪拌芒果冰淇淋
- Snowflake Ice 雪花冰
Drink/Juice/Smoothie 飲料/果汁/冰沙
Other 其它