Recipe: Shanghai Spring Rolls 上海春卷

Original recipe link (原版食譜): 美食天下 上海春卷 or
Carol 自在生活 炸春捲 Deep Fried Spring roll - 實作影片

Ingredients 食材

  • 1 Chinese cabbage 白菜 or cabbage 高麗菜
  • 5 dried mushroom 香菇
  • Optional: carrots, vermicelli 紅蘿蔔、粉絲可不加
  • minced pork 肉末
  • 1 package spring roll wrapper 春卷皮
  • 2 tsp salt 鹽
  • 1 tsp chicken bouillon powder 雞精
  • 1 tsp white pepper 白胡椒粉
  • cornstarch 玉米澱粉

Instructions 作法

  1. Wash the cabbage and cut into shreds. Chopped shiitake mushrooms into small pieces.
  2. Put the minced meat in the pot, stir-fry it with oil, then put it in a bowl and set aside.
  3. Heat the oil again, add Chinese cabbage and stir-fry. After stir-frying for about 2 minutes, add the diced mushrooms. Add in the stir-fried minced meat.
  4. Continue to stir-fry, Then add water, the water must cover the vegetables, and bring to a boil. Then turn on low heat and simmer for 15 minutes to cook the vegetables. Don't burn the pot dry.
  5. After 15 minutes, add salt, bouillon powder and white pepper for seasoning.
  6. Make half a bowl of cornstarch and mix it with cold water.
  7. Turn on high heat and pour in the starch that you just mixed. Stir fry quickly so they don't clump together. Thicken the gravy and make it into a paste. Then scoop up and let it cool.
  8. The bought spring roll wrappers should be torn open and the spring rolls are wrapped. The wrapped spring rolls should be put aside and be sure not to touch the water.
  9. Put the wrapped spring rolls into the oil pan and fry until the surface is golden brown, then you can take it out of the pan. When eating, add Zhenjiang vinegar to taste.
  1. 白菜洗乾淨,切絲。香菇切碎
  2. 肉末放鍋裡,用油煸炒一下,然後盛起放碗裡,備用
  3. 再起油鍋,放入白菜翻炒,煸炒約2分鐘後,放入香菇丁,再放入剛才翻炒好的肉末
  4. 繼續翻炒,加水,水必須蓋過菜,煮沸。然後開小火慢燉15分鐘,要把菜煮爛。千萬別燒乾鍋子了。
  5. 15分鐘後,放入鹽,雞精,白胡椒粉調味。
  6. 弄小半碗玉米澱粉,用涼水拌開。
  7. 開大火,倒入剛才拌勻的澱粉。快速翻炒,不要結成塊了。勾芡,調成糊狀。然後盛起,放涼。
  8. 買來的春捲皮要撕開,看始包春捲,包完的春捲要放在一邊,千萬不要碰到水了。
  9. 把包好的春捲放入油鍋裡煎,把表面煎成金黃色,就可以起鍋子了。吃的時候,再配上鎮江醋,味道就更好了。

Recipe 食譜