Recipe: Milk Bread (Kristina Cho) 牛奶麵包

Original recipe link (原版食譜): Kristina Cho’s Mooncakes and Milk Bread cookbook

Ingredients 食材

  • For the Tangzhong 湯種:
    • 100 g milk 牛奶
    • 20 g bread flour 高筋麵粉
  • For the Milk Bread 牛奶麵包:
    • 125 g warm (110°F or 43°C) milk 溫牛奶
    • 1 tsp active dry yeast 活性乾酵母
    • 50 g granulated sugar, plus a pinch 砂糖
    • 335 g bread flour, plus more for work surface (For Whole-Wheat version: use 250 g bread flour and 85 g whole-wheat flour)
      335 g 高筋麵粉 + 一些手粉 (全麥版本: 250 g 高筋麵粉 + 85 g 全麥麵粉)
    • ½ tsp coarse salt 粗鹽
    • 1 large egg 大蛋
    • 55 g (4 Tbsp) unsalted butter, cut into pieces and softened 無鹽奶油切塊並讓它軟化
    • 1 tsp canola or neutral-flavored oil, for bowl 菜油或無味的油用來抹在碗上
  • For the egg wash 刷蛋液:
    • 1 large egg 大蛋
    • 1 Tbsp heavy cream 重奶油

Instructions 作法

  1. Make Tangzhong: in a small sauce over low heat, combine 100 g milk and 20 g bread flour, cook until thickened to a paste. Immediately transfer the paste to a small bowl. Let cool for 5-10 minutes
  2. Make milk bread: in a clean small saucepan, scald the 125 g milk over medium heat, bring the milk to a gentle simmer. Pour milk into a small bowl and cool until warm to touch. Stir in 1 tsp active dry yeast and a pinch of sugar, and set aside until the surface of the mixture is foamy, 5-10 minutes
  3. In the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with a dough hook, combine the 50 g sugar, 335 g bread flour, ½ tsp salt and 1 large egg. Add the Tangzhong and milk, mix on low until shaggy. Add the 55 g softened butter one small piece at a time, mixing until fully incorporated before adding the next. Increase the speed to medium-high and continue to knead the dough until it is tacky and slightly sticky, 8-9 minutes. Transfer the dough to a lightly floured work surface. Wet your hands to prevent the dough from sticking, pinch and pull the ends of the dough to form a smooth ball.
  4. Coat a large mixing bowl with 1 tsp of oil. Add the dough to the bowl, gently turning it to cover with oil. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and set in a warm spot to proof until doubled in size about 2 hours (or place in the refrigerator to proof for at least 8 hours or overnight)
  5. Transfer the proofed dough onto a lightly floured work surface. Punch down the dough to deflate it. Pinch and pull the ends of dough to form a smooth ball. Then make tree-segment load. Line the bottom and long sides of a 9x5-inch loaf pan with parchment paper. Divide the dough into 3 equal pieces. Form each piece into a smooth ball. Roll out a piece of dough into a 5x8 inch oval. Fold the long edges of the dough over by 1/2 inch and then roll into a 4-inch log, starting at one of the short ends. Place the dough seam-side down, in the loaf pan. Repeat with the remaining 2 pieces. Cover the dough with a kitchen towel and proof for 60-90 minutes. Bruch the top of the dough with egg wish. Bake at 350°F (177°C) for 30-33 minutes. Or divide dough into n-equal portions, proof for 45-60 minutes, preheat oven to 350°F (177°C), for 8-equal portions bake 30-33 minutes; 9-equal portion bake 22-25 Minutes; 12-equal portion bake 18-20 minutes.
  1. 製作湯種:用小火,將 100g 牛奶和 20g 高筋麵粉混合,煮至濃稠成糊狀。立即將糊狀物轉移到一個小碗中。 冷卻 5-10 分鐘
  2. 製作牛奶麵包:在一個乾淨的小平底鍋中,用中火將 125g 牛奶慢慢煮沸。 將牛奶倒入小碗中,冷卻至觸感溫熱。加入 1 小匙酵母和一點糖攪拌, 直到混合物表面起泡, 約 5-10 分鐘
  3. 用有麵糰勾的電動攪拌器,將 50g 糖、335g 麵粉、½ 小匙鹽和 1 個雞蛋混合。然後加入湯種和加了酵母的牛奶,以低速攪拌至蓬鬆。分數次加入 55 g 軟化的奶油,每次攪拌至完全混合,再加入下一塊奶油。之後將速度調至中高,繼續揉捏麵糰,直到麵糰發粘有些粘性,需要約 8-9 分鐘。然後將麵糰移到撒有少許麵粉的工作檯上,弄濕雙手以防麵糰粘手,捏拉麵糰兩端使之成為光滑的球狀。
  4. 在一個大碗中塗上 1 茶匙油。將麵糰放入碗中並輕輕轉動以覆蓋油。用保鮮膜蓋住碗,放在溫暖的地方發酵約 2 小時,直至體積翻倍(或放入冰箱發酵至少 8 小時或過夜)
  5. 將醒發好的麵糰轉移到撒有少許麵粉的工作檯上。深打麵糰把空氣打出來。在 9x5 吋麵包盤的底部和長邊鋪上烘焙紙。將麵團分成 3 等份。將每一塊做成一個光滑的球。將一塊麵團擀成 5x8 吋的橢圓形。將麵團的長邊折疊 1/2 英寸,然後從短端的一邊開始捲成 4 英寸的圓柱。將麵團接縫面朝下,放入麵包盤中。對剩下的 2 塊重複上述步驟。用廚房毛巾蓋住麵團,醒發 60-90 分鐘。在麵團的頂部塗上蛋液。華式 350°/攝氏 177 度 烘烤 30-33 分鐘。或將麵團分成數等份,發酵 45-60 分鐘,烤箱預熱至華式 350 度/攝氏 177 度,8 等份麵糰烤 30-33 分鐘; 9 等份麵糰烤 22-25 分鐘; 12 等份麵糰烤 18-20 分鐘。

Recipe 食譜