Recipe: Chinese Almond Cookies 杏仁餅

Original recipe link (原版食譜): 黃淑惠食譜

Ingredients 食材

  • 1 Cup (or ¾ Cup) powdered sugar 糖粉
  • ½ Cup lard (shortening or butter) 豬油
  • 1 Tbsp Water 水
  • 1 tsp baking powder 泡打粉
  • ½ tsp baking soda 小蘇打粉
  • 1 egg 蛋
  • 3 drops almond extract 杏仁精
  • 2 Cup flour (or 1 ¾ Cup all purpose, ¼ Cup almond flour) 中筋麵粉
  • ½ Cup almond slices 杏仁片
  • 20 whole almonds 杏仁

Instructions 作法

  1. Beat the lard for 1 min, then add powdered sugar (3/4C - 1 C) in thirds and beat for 1 min after each addition.
  2. Mix 1 Tbsp water, 1 tsp baking powder, ½ tsp baking soda together
  3. Add #2 into #1, then add 1 egg and 3 drops of almond extract, beat for 2 min
  4. Mix in ½ C almond slides
  5. Add 2 Cup flour (or 1 ¾ Cup All purpose, ¼ Cup almond flour) in and mix to form dough
  6. Roll the dough into a long baton-like roll then divide it into 20 balls (or more). Flatten each piece of dough with the palm of the hand.
  7. Grease a cookie sheet or use silicone mats; place the flatten dough two inches apart. Place a whole almond in the center of each dough. Press the almonds into the center of the dough.
  8. Preheat oven to 350° F, bake for 15 minutes or when the cookies are golden
  1. 豬油攪打1分鐘,然後分三次加入糖粉(3/4 杯 - 1 杯),每次加入後攪打 1 分鐘。
  2. 將 1 湯匙水、1 茶匙泡打粉、½ 茶匙小蘇打混合在一起
  3. 將 #2 加入 #1,然後加入 1 顆雞蛋和 3 滴杏仁精,攪打 2 分鐘
  4. 加入 ½ 杯 杏仁片混合
  5. 加入 2 杯麵粉(或 1 3/4 杯中筋麵粉、1/4 杯杏仁粉)並混合成麵團
  6. 將麵團擀成棒狀的長卷,然後分成 20 個球(或更多)。用手掌將每塊麵團壓平。
  7. 在烤盤上塗上油脂或用矽膠烘焙墊;將壓扁的麵團分開兩英吋。將整個杏仁放在每個麵團的中心。將杏仁壓入麵團的中心。
  8. 將烤箱預熱至華式 350°,烘烤 15 分鐘或當餅乾呈金黃色時

Recipe 食譜