Recipe: Thousand Layers Scallion Pancake 千層葱花餠

Original recipe link (原版食譜): Not available any more

Ingredients 食材

  • Dough 麵糰:
    • 4 Cup All Purpose Flour 中筋麵粉
    • 1 ½ Cup lukewarm water 溫水
    • 1 tsp (3.5 g) (½ package) yeast 酵母
    • 2 tsp sugar or honey 砂糖或蜂蜜
  • Oil Flour Mixture 油粉混合物:
    • 1/3 Cup oil 油
    • 1 tsp five spices 五香粉
    • 2 tsp salt 鹽
  • 2 big bundle of scallion 蔥
  • 2 Tbsp warm water 溫水 + 1 tsp baking soda 小蘇打
  • 1 Tbsp oil 油

Instructions 作法

  1. Making dough:
    1. In a large bowl add 4 cup flour.
    2. In a medium bowl, add 1 ½ Cup lukewarm water (not too hot, a little bit higher than normal temperature), then add 1 tsp yeast and 2 tsp sugar or honey. Mix well.
    3. Pour the liquid a small portion at a time into the flour. While pouring the liquid into the flour, use chopsticks or wooden spoon to mix the flour mixture. Then knead the dough until smooth.
    4. Cover the dough, let it proof until doubled in size (put under the sun will help the dough to rise. Takes at least 2 hours).
  2. Making oil flour mixture:
    1. Heat up 1/3 Cup oil.
    2. In a small bowl add 1/3 C flour, then mix with 1 tsp five spices and 2 tsp salt.
    3. Then pour hot oil into the flour mixture. Mix well. It should be soggy (adding more flour or oil if needed).
  3. Cut 2 big bundle of scallion into small pieces.
  4. In a small bowl adding 2 Tbsp warm water with 1 tsp baking soda, mix well. Then add into the dough (step 1). Mix Well.
  5. Add some flour on the counter or cutting board, then roll the dough (step 4) into a long log. Divide the roll into 3 equal smaller pieces. Use rolling pin to roll the dough into rectangular flat dough.
  6. Brush oil flour mixture (step 2) on the thin rectangular flat dough (step 5).
  7. Spread chopped scallion on top of the dough (step 6).
  8. Fold the dough lengthwise 2 times into narrow rectangular, then fold two long ends to the middle, then fold again. Pinch all edges so no air will go in, let it proof for 10 minutes.
  9. After 10 minutes, roll the dough into a thin rectangular shape. Brush some water on the dough, then spread white sesame seeds on top, use finger to lightly push sesame seeds down a little bit.
  10. In a pan, add 1 Tbsp oil, heat up the oil in medium heat, then cook the dough, flip every few minutes (probably 5 minutes on each side), cook until golden brown. Cut into smaller pieces to serve.
  1. 製作麵糰:
    1. 在一個大碗中加入 4 杯麵粉。
    2. 在一個中等大小的碗中,加入 1 ½ 杯溫水(不要太熱,比正常溫度稍微高一點),然後加入 1 茶匙酵母和 2 茶匙糖或蜂蜜。攪拌均勻。
    3. 將液體一次一小部分倒入麵粉中。將液體倒入麵粉中時,用筷子或木匙攪拌麵粉。然後將麵糰揉至光滑。
    4. 蓋上麵糰,讓它發酵至兩倍大(放在陽光下有助於麵糰發酵,至少2小時)。
  2. 製作油粉混合物:
    1. 熱 1/3 杯油。
    2. 在小碗中加入 1/3 杯麵粉,然後混入 1 茶匙五香粉和 2 茶匙鹽。
    3. 然後將熱油倒入麵粉混合物中。攪拌均勻。它應該是濕的(如果需要的話添加更多的麵粉或油)。
  3. 將2大捆蔥切成小粒。
  4. 在小碗中加入 2 湯匙溫水和 1 茶匙小蘇打,攪拌均勻。然後加入麵糰中(步驟1)。混合均勻。
  5. 在櫃檯或切板上添加一些麵粉,然後將麵糰(步驟 4)捲成長卷。將捲分成 3 個相等的小塊。用擀麵棍將麵糰擀成長方形扁麵糰。
  6. 將油麵粉混合物(步驟2)刷在較薄的長方形扁平麵糰(步驟5)上。
  7. 將切碎的蔥撒在麵糰上(步驟6)。
  8. 將麵糰縱向對折兩次,形成窄長方形,然後將兩個長端向中間折疊,然後再對折一次。捏緊所有邊緣,以免空氣進入,靜置 10 分鐘。
  9. 10分鐘後,將麵糰擀成薄薄的長方形。在麵糰上刷點水,然後在上面撒上白芝麻,用手指輕輕地將芝麻壓下去一點。
  10. 在平底鍋中加入1大匙油,以中火加熱油,然後將麵糰煎熟,每隔幾分鐘翻轉一次(大概每面5分鐘),煎至金黃色。切成小塊即可食用。

Recipe 食譜