Recipe: Taro Pancake 芋頭煎餠

We bought a big taro. We used half of the taro to make Taro Sago in Coconut Milk and used the other half to make the taro pancake for breakfast.
我們買了一個大芋頭,一半做芋頭椰汁西米露, 另一半做芋頭煎餠,拿來當早餐吃。

Ingredients 食材

  • Taro 芋頭
  • 1 Scallion 蔥
  • 1 Tbs Oil 油
  • Seasoning: garlic salt, white pepper, fish sauce 大蒜鹽,白胡椒,魚露

Instructions 作法

  1. Shred the taro. Cut the scallion into small pieces. Mix the taro and scallion together.
  2. According to your own taste, add an appropriate amount of garlic salt, white pepper and 1 or 2 drops of fish sauce to the taro scallion mixture.
  3. When the oil is hot, spread the taro onion mixture in the pan in a thin layer. After pan-frying one side, you can turn over and pan-fry the other side until cooked or browned. Then cut it into small pieces and enjoy it while hot.
  1. 將芋頭刨成絲,蔥切成蔥花。將芋絲及蔥花混在一起。
  2. 根據自己的口味加適量的大蒜鹽,白胡椒及1、2滴魚露到芋絲蔥花混合物中。
  3. 將油熱了,把芋絲蔥花混合物平舖在平底鍋中,如果喜歡吃脆一些就舖薄一點,並且煎久一點。一面煎熟後便可翻面煎另一邊,直至熟透或兩面黃,即可盛出。切成小片,乘熱享用。

Recipe 食譜