Recipe: Easy Portuguese Egg Tart 簡易葡氏蛋塔

The most difficult step in making an egg tart is making the tart crust. I found that Chinese supermarkets sell pre-made tart crusts in the freezer, and the rest is a piece of cake.

Ingredients 食材

  • Egg Tart filling 蛋塔液
    • 100 g Milk 牛奶
    • 150 g Whipping Cream 淡奶油
    • 1 Egg (50 g) 蛋
    • 50 g Granulated Sugar 砂糖
  • 10 ready-made tart shells 現成塔皮

Instructions 作法

  1. Make egg tart filling: Mix all egg tart filling ingredients evenly. Sieve several times. (If you make less than 10 egg tarts at a time, you can refrigerate the excess egg tart filling and pour it directly into the tart shell next time.)
  2. Pour the egg tart filling into the tart shell, filling each tart shell 90% full.
  3. Preheat oven to 392°F (200°C) and bake for 17-23 minutes. (If you use a toaster oven, the baking time is around 20 minutes.)
  1. 製作蛋塔液: 將所有蛋塔液材料混合均勻。過篩數次。(如果一次做少於10個蛋塔,可將多餘的蛋塔液冷藏,下次直接拿來倒入塔皮中。)
  2. 將蛋塔液倒入每個塔皮中,九分滿。
  3. 預熱烤箱華氏 392° (攝氏 200°), 烤 17-23 分鐘。(如果用小烤箱,大概 20 分鐘)

Recipe 食譜