Recipe: Turnip Cake 蘿蔔糕

Original recipe link (原版食譜): 愛料理 - Ann's 蘿蔔糕(100%在來米粉)

Ingredients 食材 (for 5)

  • 2 mideum turnips 中型蘿蔔
  • 25 g dried shrimp (Cut into small pieces) 蝦米切小丁
  • 4 dried mushroom (Cut into small pieces) 乾香菇切小丁
  • 200 g preserved ham (Cut into small pieces) 臘肉切小丁
  • 15 g fried shallots 油蔥酥
  • 500 g rice flour 在來米粉
  • 640 g water 水
  • 200 cc (ml) stock 高湯
  • 50 cc (ml) liquor of scalding dried mushroom 香菇水
  • 2 Tbsp oil 沙拉油
  • 2 tsp salt 鹽
  • 1 Tbsp oyster sauce 蠔油

Instructions 作法

  1. Line a toast mold with parchment paper.
  2. Cut dried shrimp, dried mushroom and preserved ham into small pieces.
  3. Grate one and a half turnips. Puree half turnip (keep the turnip juice).
  4. Mix the rice flour and 640 g water into a slurry (mix evenly without any powder).
  5. Add two Tbsp oil to the hot pan and sauté the dried shrimps, mushrooms, preserved ham and fried shallots until fragrant.
  6. Add shredded turnip and fry over medium heat for about 4 1/2 minutes until translucent. Add turnip puree and turnip water.
  7. Pour in the turnip puree and water, stir evenly, and add seasonings (2 tsp salt, 1 Tbsp oyster sauce).
  8. Then pour 200 cc of stock, 50 cc of liquor of scalding dried mushroom, and rice flour slurry, stir-fry over medium-low heat until it becomes mushy and feels a little unstirable, then turn off the heat immediately.
  9. Pour into the toast mold, use a spatula and a spoon to smooth out the turnip cake. I steam it in an electric pot and put 1500 cc of cold water in the electric pot. Steamed for an hour and a half.
  10. After steamed, apply a thin layer of oil on top and remove from the mold after it is slightly warm, because the freshly steamed radish cake is very soft and tender.
  1. 吐司模舖烘焙紙。
  2. 香菇、蝦米、臘肉切小丁。
  3. 蘿蔔一條半刨絲、半條打成泥或磨成泥(蘿蔔汁留著)。
  4. 在來米粉和 640 g 水調成粉漿(攪拌均勻無粉粒)。
  5. 加兩大匙油熱鍋、爆香蝦米、香菇、臘肉、油蔥酥。
  6. 放入蘿蔔絲中火炒約 4 分半,成半透明狀、下蘿蔔泥和蘿蔔水。
  7. 倒入蘿蔔泥和水之後、攪拌均勻、就放調味料(鹽2小匙、蠔油1大匙)。
  8. 接著倒入高湯 200 cc、香菇水 50 cc、在來米粉粉漿,中小火拌炒至呈現糊狀、有點攪不動的感覺、就馬上關火。
  9. 倒入吐司模、用鍋鏟和湯匙抹平蘿蔔糕糊,我放大同電鍋蒸、電鍋裡放了1500cc的冷水,可以蒸一個半小時。
  10. 蒸好後上面抹薄薄一層油,微溫後再脫模、因為剛蒸好的蘿蔔糕很軟嫩。

Notes/Tips 小撇步

  • If the turnip cake is large, you can divide it into 2 then steamed. After steamed, let it sit at room temperature for about 1 hour before it becomes lukewarm, and then unmold it. After it is completely cool, you can put it in the refrigerator. Chilling it will make it easier to cut. (The smaller turnip cake can be steamed for 1 hour and 10 minutes; the larger one can be steamed for 1 hour and a half.
  • The preserved ham can be replaced with sausage (but the sausage needs to be steamed), or bacon.
  • The pureed turnip part will also bring water, so don't omit this step; if you just want to grate the turnip into shreds and don't want to grind it into puree, then add about 100 cc to the total water amount.
  • The total amount of water in the recipe is 890 ml (water 640 g, stock 200 cc, mushroom water 50 cc). It cannot be less, but it can be interchanged.
  • 蘿蔔糕量大可以分兩次蒸、蒸好後大約放室溫 1 小時才會微溫、然後再脫模,全涼後可以放冰箱、冰一點比較好切!(比較小的蘿蔔糕、蒸了1小時 10 分;大塊的是蒸 1 小時半。
  • 臘肉可以換成臘腸(但臘腸需蒸過)、或者培根。
  • 蘿蔔泥的部份因為也會帶來水份,所以不要省略這個動作;如果只要把蘿蔔刨成絲,不想磨成泥的話、那在總水量的部份增加 100 cc左右。
  • 食譜上的總水量 890 ml (水 640 g、高湯 200 cc、香菇水 50 cc)也不能少,但是可以互換。

Recipe 食譜