Recipe: Hakka-style stir-fried squid 客家小炒

Original recipe link (原版食譜): 柚子媽媽來上菜 客家小炒 這樣炒又香又入味 簡單快速處理乾魷魚 五花肉不會有油膩感喔

Ingredients 食材

  • 150 g pork belly 五花肉
  • 120 g (4) dried tofu 豆干
  • 50 g dried squid 乾魷魚
  • 3 scallions 蔥
  • 1 tsp minced garlic 蒜末
  • Optional: a little red hot pepper 紅辣椒
  • Seasoning:
    • 1 Tbsp soy sauce 醬油
    • 1 tsp Sugar 二砂糖
    • 1 tsp rice wine 米酒
    • a little white pepper 白胡椒粉

Instructions 作法

  1. Tear the head and tail of the squid apart, cut off the middle cartilage, fold the back cartilage and peel it off, cut the squid horizontally, and cut it into 4x1 strips
  2. Wash and drain 50 g of dried squid several times, add 1 Tbsp rice wine to remove the fishy smell. Add 1 tsp salt, 200 cc of tepid warm water (to cover the squid), stir, cover, and soak for 1 hour (do not soak in hot water)
  3. Cut 4 pieces (120 g) dried tofu into thick strips
  4. Cut 3 scallions into sections
  5. Prepare 1 tsp minced garlic and a little red hot pepper
  6. Freeze 150 g pork belly for 20 minutes. Sharpen the knife, take out port belly from the freezer and cut off the pork skin (retain the lard for stir-fry). Cut the pork belly into thin slices and then into thick shreds.
  7. Clean the soaked squid, peel off the outer film (optional), and dry the squid
  8. Turn on low heat, pour a little oil, put the pork skin in the pan first, then add the shredded pork belly (flatten it), stir-fry until the shredded meat turns white, continue to stir-fry until golden, add dried tofu, stir-fry for 3 minutes, and add the squid, stir-fry until fragrant, take out the pig skin and continue to stir-fry until fragrant. (My husband stir-fries each part, takes it out of the pot, and then mixes it all together at the end. This way he can better control the heat and make it more tender.)
  9. Add minced garlic, red hot pepper, and sallions to the pan. Stir-fry over low heat for 30 seconds. Add 1 Tbsp soy sauce, 1 tsp sugar, 1 tsp rice wine, and a little white pepper. Stir-fry over low heat for 1 minute until the sauce is reduced. Add in scallions to stir-fry for 15 seconds, then serve
  1. 將魷魚頭尾撕開,剪掉中間軟骨,折一下後面軟骨剝除它,橫向剪魷魚, 剪成 4x1 長條
  2. 清洗乾魷魚 50 公克數便,加米酒 1 大匙去腥,鹽 1 茶匙,不燙的溫水 200cc (蓋過魷魚), 攪拌一下,加蓋,浸泡 1 小時 (不要泡熱水)
  3. 豆干 4 塊 (120公克),切粗條
  4. 蔥 3 支切段
  5. 凖備蒜末 1 茶匙,少許紅辣椒
  6. 五花肉 約 150 公克先冷凍 20 分鐘,磨刀後把豬皮切掉 (留著煸豬油),五花肉先切薄片再切成粗絲
  7. 將泡好的魷魚清洗一下,可撕掉外表薄膜 (可省略),擦乾魷魚
  8. 開小火,倒少許油,豬皮先下鍋,然後下五花肉絲(撲平),等肉絲變白,就可翻炒,炒到金黃,放入豆乾,炒 3 分鐘,魷魚下鍋炒香,把豬皮拿出,繼續炒香 (我先生是把每個部份炒好,拿出鍋來,最後再拌起來,這樣會比較能掌握火侯,會比較嫩。)
  9. 蒜末下鍋,紅辣椒下鍋,蔥白下鍋,小火炒 30 秒,加醬油 1 大匙, 二砂糖 1 茶匙,米酒 1茶匙, 白胡椒粉 少許,小火炒 1 分鐘,直到醬料收乾,蔥綠下鍋炒 15 秒,就可起鍋

Recipe 食譜