Recipe: Lemon Bar 檸檬方塊

Original recipe link (原版食譜): Preppy Kitchen Lemon Bars
The original recipe is for a 9x13 pan. I use ½ the ingredients for an 8x8 pan.
原版配方適用於 9x13 烤盤。 我使用一半的原料,用 8x8 烤盤。

Ingredients 食材

For 8x8 Pan
  • 150 g (1 1⁄4 cups) all-purpose flour for crust 中筋麵粉做脆皮
For 9x13 Pan
  • 300 g (2 1⁄2 cups)
  • 30 g (1⁄4 cups) all-purpose flour for filling 中筋麵粉做餡料
  • 60 g (1⁄2 cup)
  • 33 g (1⁄3 cups) powdered sugar, for the shortbread, plus more for dusting 糖粉做奶油酥餅, 另加一點可撒在成品之上
  • 66 g (2⁄3 cups)
  • 1⁄4 tsp salt 鹽
  • 1⁄2 tsp
  • 85 g (6 Tbsp) unsalted butter melted 融化的無鹽奶油
  • 170 g (12 Tbsp)
  • 1 1⁄2 Tbsp lemon zest 檸檬皮 (zest of 1 1⁄2 lemons)
  • 3 Tbsp 
  • 300 g (1 1⁄2 cups) sugar 糖
  • 600 g (3 cups)
  • 4 eggs large, room temperature 室温的大蛋
  • 8
  • 120 ml (1⁄2 cup) lemon juice fresh 新鮮檸檬汁
  • 240 ml (1 cup) 

Instructions 作法
(Ingredient Amounts referred for 8x8 Pan)

  1. Heat oven to 350° F and line a 8x8 baking dish with parchment paper.
  2. Whisk together 150 g flour with 33 g powdered sugar and 1⁄4 tsp salt, then pour in 85 g melted butter and mix until combined. You can also do this using a stand mixer with a paddle attachment. If you'd like a dash of vanilla can be added in with the butter at this step.
  3. Sprinkle the dough into your lined pan and press down into a flat layer. Bake at 350° F for about 20 minutes or until a light golden color.
  4. While the crust is baking add 300 g sugar to a food processor and add the zest of 1 1⁄2 lemons. Pulse until the zest is fully incorporated and sugar is a light yellow color. If you don't have a processor just mince the zest and mix with the sugar in a bag or bowl.
  5. Add the sugar and 30 g flour to a large bowl and mix well. You can sift together however and zesty sugar bits will need to get dumped out of the sifter as they might clog things up and not go through.
  6. Pour in 120 ml lemon juice and add 4 eggs then mix very well until completely combined.
  7. Pour the filling onto the warm crust then transfer to the oven and bake for about 25 minutes, turning halfway through the bake. Remove from the oven and allow to cool for an hour before chilling in the refrigerator for two hours.
  8. Dust with powdered sugar and cut into bars using a clean, sharp, damp knife. Clean and re-wet the knife after each cut.
  1. 將烤箱預熱至華式 350°,並在 8x8 烤盤上鋪上烘焙紙。
  2. 將 150 克麵粉、33 克糖粉和 1⁄4 茶匙鹽攪拌,然後倒入 85 克融化的奶油,攪拌至混合 (可用立式攪拌機)。如果想要加一點香草精,可以在這一步與奶油一起添加。
  3. 將麵團撒入有襯烘焙紙的烤盤中,然後壓平。以華式 350° 烘烤約 20 分鐘或直至呈現淺金黃色。
  4. 烘烤餅皮時,將 300 克糖加入食物處理機中,並加入 1 1⁄2 顆檸檬皮,用機器攪拌混合均勻直至糖呈淺黃色。如果你沒有處理器,只需將檸檬皮切碎並與糖混合在袋子或碗中。
  5. 將糖和 30 克麵粉放入大碗中,攪拌均勻。你可以一起過篩,但檸檬皮糖塊需要從篩子中倒出,因為它們可能會塞住而無法通過。
  6. 倒入120毫升檸檬汁,加入4顆雞蛋,攪拌均勻至完全混合。
  7. 將餡料倒在溫熱的餅皮上,然後放到烤箱中烘烤約 25 分鐘,中途轉一邊。從烤箱中取出並冷卻一小時,然後在冰箱中冷卻兩小時。
  8. 撒上糖粉,然後用乾淨、鋒利的潮濕的刀切成條狀。每次切割後清潔並重新濕潤刀。

Notes/Tips 小撇步

  • ALWAYS use fresh lemon juice
  • Line your baking dish. The parchment paper makes it very easy to remove from the pan but in a pinch you can use foil instead.
  • Don't worry if your bars seem not quite done when you pull them from the oven. They will continue to set as they cool.
  • Lemon bars are a great make ahead dessert. Cut then freeze on a baking tray. Wrap individually and store in your freezer for up to three months. That and dust with powdered sugar before serving.
  • I add raspberry on top to decorate. I might try cutting out the sugar a little next time and see how it goes.
  • 最好是用新鮮檸檬擠的汁
  • 把你的烤盤鋪好烘焙紙, 使東西很容易從烤盤中取出,但也可以用錫箔紙替代。
  • 從烤箱中取出檸檬方塊時,如果它們看起來還沒有完全烤熟,不要擔心,當它們冷卻時,它們會繼續凝固。
  • 檸檬方塊是一種很棒可提前凖備的甜點。切好後放在烤盤上冷凍。單獨包裝可在冷凍箱中保存長達三個月。食用前撒上糖粉。
  • 我在上面加了覆盆子來裝飾。我下次可能要試著減一點糖,看看結果如何。

Recipe 食譜