Recipe: Oyster omelette 蚵仔煎

Original recipe link (原版食譜): Carol 自在生活 蚵仔煎

Ingredients 食材

  • 300 g Oyster 蚵仔
  • 3 eggs 雞蛋
  • 1 bunch Chinese cabbage 小白菜
  • Batter mix 粉漿材料:
    • 1 bunch chives 韭菜
    • 100 g sweet potato starch 地瓜粉
    • 15 g potato starch 太白粉
    • 300 cc cold water 冷水
    • 1 Tbsp rice cooking wine 米酒
    • 1⁄2tsp salt 鹽
    • white pepper 白胡椒粉少許

Instructions 作法

  1. Wash the oysters with a little salt and pick out the remaining shells
  2. Wash and cut the Chinese cabbage into sections, and cut the chives into small sections.
  3. Add the dry ingredients in the batter mix to the cold water and mix well
  4. Add minced chives and other ingredients and mix well
  5. Heat 2 Tbsp of oil in a pan and place the oysters in the middle of the pan
  6. Stir the batter mix well before use, then scoop in an appropriate amount
  7. Don't turn it over when frying at the beginning. When you see that the batter is a little transparent, add an egg.
  8. Use a spatula to break up the eggs slightly (don’t use high heat when frying, and be patient to let the batter solidify slowly. If you keep turning it, it will not be pretty)
  9. Put an appropriate amount of Chinese cabbage on it and fry over low heat until the batter is solidified (you can drizzle some oil around it depending on the situation)
  10. Fry until 2 sides are golden brown
  11. Drizzle with sweet chili bean sauce (Haishan sauce) when eating
  12. If there is any leftover batter mix, you can directly fry it into sweet potato pancakes and eat it
  1. 蚵仔加少許鹽洗乾淨,殘存的殼挑出
  2. 小白菜洗乾淨切段,韭菜切小段
  3. 將粉漿中的粉類加入到冷水中混合均勻
  4. 將韭菜末及其餘材料加入混合均勻
  5. 平底鍋中熱 2 大匙油, 將蚵仔放入中間位置
  6. 粉漿使用前要攪拌均勻,然後舀入適當的量
  7. 一開始煎的時候不要翻面,看到粉漿有些透明狀時打入一顆雞蛋
  8. 用鍋鏟將雞蛋稍微打散 (煎的時候火不要大,要有耐心讓粉漿慢慢凝固,一直翻動會煎的不 漂亮)
  9. 適量的小白菜放上,小火煎到粉漿凝固時才翻面 (中間可以視狀況適量在周圍淋上一些油)
  10. 煎到2面金黃即可
  11. 吃的時候淋上海山醬
  12. 若有剩下的粉漿,可以直接煎成蕃薯餅吃

Recipe 食譜