Recipe: Chicken and Sticky Rice Wrapped in Lotus Leaves 荷葉糯米雞

Original recipe link (原版食譜): CiCi Li Chicken and Sticky Rice Wrapped in Lotus Leaves

Ingredients 食材

  • 3 lotus leaves, quartered 荷葉,切成四份
  • 4 dried shiitake mushrooms 乾香菇
  • 2 Tbsp dried shrimp 蝦米
  • 2 cups uncooked glutinous rice 生糯米
  • 1 1⁄4 cup water 水
  • For the chicken 雞:
    • 1 Tbsp soy sauce 醬油
    • 1 Tbsp Shaoxing wine 紹興酒
    • Pinch of 5-spice powder, white pepper, salt 五香粉,白胡椒粉,鹽
    • 2 skinless, boneless chicken thighs, cut into bite-size pieces 去皮去骨雞大腿,切成一口大小的塊
  • For the sauce 醬汁:
    • 2 Tbsp soy sauce 醬油
    • 2 Tbsp oyster sauce 蠔油
    • 1 Tbsp dark soy sauce 老抽
    • 1 tsp sesame oil 香油
    • Pinch of 5-spice powder, white pepper, salt 五香粉,白胡椒粉,鹽
  • Additional Ingredients 其它食材:
    • 2 Tbsp vegetable oil, divided 植物油,分開數份
    • 2 links Chinese sausage 中式香腸
    • 3 cloves garlic, minced 大蒜,切碎

Instructions 作法

  1. The night before, cover the lotus leaves in water to rehydrate overnight.
  2. Separately rinse the glutinous rice, dried shiitake mushrooms, and dried shrimp. Place each ingredient in a separate bowl, cover with water, and let soak for 2 hours to overnight. Drain all ingredients before using.
  3. Prepare the rice and fillings: Transfer the pre-soaked and drained rice to the pot of an electric rice cooker and add water to the same level as the rice, about 1 1/4 cup. Use the setting for rice and cook. Alternatively, if you don’t have a rice cooker, bring water to a boil in a steamer. Transfer the pre-soaked and drained rice to a tray and put it in the steamer. Cover the lid and steam over high heat for 30 minutes.
  4. Meanwhile, in a large bowl, mix together all the ingredients for the chicken marinade. Add the chicken and combine. Let marinate for 30 minutes.
  5. To make the sauce, in a small bowl, add all the seasonings and whisk together.
  6. Cut the Chinese sausage and shiitake mushrooms into slices and set aside.
  7. Preheat a wok and add 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil. Add the Chinese sausage, dried shrimp, and shiitake mushrooms, and stir fry over low heat until the aroma comes out, about 1 minute. Remove from wok and set aside.
  8. In the same wok, add another tablespoon of vegetable oil. Add the minced garlic and the marinated chicken. Cook over high heat for about 3 minutes. Add the cooked sausage-shrimp-mushroom mixture. Then add half of the sauce. Stir fry until all ingredients are cooked through and combined, about 1 minute. Remove from wok and set aside. When the rice is done, transfer it to a large mixing bowl and add the other half of the sauce. Combine until all of the rice is evenly coated.
  9. (See original recipe video for instructions how to assemble.) To assemble: Place a lotus leaf quarter on a flat surface and pat it dry. Place another lotus leaf directly on top of the first and pat dry. Place 1/2 cup sticky rice in the center and form it into a rectangle. Then place 2 tablespoons of fillings over the rice. Add another 1/2 cup rice on top of the fillings. Fold the bottom of the lotus leaves up and over the rice. Then, fold in the right and left sides, and roll the bundle upward until it becomes a rectangular parcel. Repeat with the rest of the lotus leaves, rice, and fillings.
  10. To steam: In a steamer, bring water to a boil. Put each wrapped parcel in the steamer, one by one, leaving a little space in between. Cover and steam over high heat for 1 hour, adding more boiling water into the steamer after the 30-minute mark. The rice is already cooked, but this additional steaming step infuses the rice and fillings with the aroma of the lotus leaves.
  11. Carefully remove from steamer and serve.
  1. 前一天晚上,將荷葉浸入水中,過夜。
  2. 將糯米、乾香菇、蝦米分別洗淨。將每樣東西放入單獨的碗中,用水覆蓋,浸泡 2 小時至過夜。使用前瀝乾。
  3. 準備米和餡料:將預先浸泡並瀝乾的米放到電鍋的鍋中,加水至與米相同的高度,約 1 1⁄4杯。使用煮飯的設定。或者,如果你沒有電鍋,可以用蒸籠將水煮沸。將預先浸泡並瀝乾的米放到托盤上,然後放入蒸籠中。蓋上蓋子,大火蒸30分鐘。
  4. 同時在一個大碗中,將雞肉醃料的所有食材混合在一起。加入雞肉並混合。醃 30 分鐘。
  5. 製作醬汁時,在一個小碗中加入所有調味料並攪拌在一起。
  6. 將臘腸和香菇切片備用。
  7. 預熱炒鍋,加入一湯匙植物油。加入臘腸、蝦米、香菇,小火炒至香味出來,約1分鐘。從鍋中取出並放在一邊。
  8. 在同一個鍋中,加入另一湯匙植物油。加入蒜末醃製的雞肉。用大火煮約 3 分鐘。加入煮熟的香腸、蝦米、香菇混合物。然後加入一半的醬汁。炒約 1 分鐘,直到所有原料完全煮熟並混合。從鍋中取出放在一邊。米飯煮好後,將其轉移到一個大碗中,加入另一半醬汁。 混合直到所有的米飯都均勻地塗上醬汁。
  9. (有關如何包荷葉糯米雞,請看原版食譜視頻。) 包荷葉糯米雞:將四分之一的荷葉放在平卓上,然後拍乾。將另一片荷葉直接放在第一片荷葉上,然後拍乾。將 1⁄2 杯糯米放在中間,形成一個長方形。 然後將 2 湯匙餡料放在米上。在餡料上再加 1⁄2 杯米飯。將荷葉底部向上折疊,蓋在米上。然後將左右兩側對折,向上捲起,直到成為長方形的包裹。重複上述步驟包完其餘的荷葉、米飯和餡料。
  10. 蒸:在蒸籠中,將水煮沸。將包好的糯米雞一個一個放入蒸籠中,中間留一點空間。蓋上鍋蓋,大火蒸1小時,30分鐘後加入更多開水。米飯已經煮熟了,但這個額外的步驟會使米飯和餡料更有荷葉的香氣。
  11. 小心地從蒸籠中取出並食用。

Recipe 食譜