Recipe: Taiwanese Beef Noodle Soup 臺灣牛肉麵

Original recipe link (原版食譜): The Woks of Life TAIWANESE BEEF NOODLE SOUP: IN AN INSTANT POT OR ON THE STOVE
This rescipe fits 8 qt instant pot. If you have smaller size instant pot, you need to reduce the amount of ingredients.
此配方適合 8 夸脱快煲電壓力鍋。如果您的快煲電壓力鍋(音速鍋)尺寸較小,則需要減少食材的量。

Ingredients 食材

  • 3 lb beef shank, cut into 2-inch chunks 牛腱,切成2吋的塊
  • 2 Tbsp oil 油
  • 2" ginger, smashed 薑,搗碎
  • 6 cloves garlic, smashed 大蒜,搗碎
  • 3 scallions, cut into 2-inch segments 蔥,切成2吋的段
  • 1 onion, cut into wedges 洋蔥,切塊
  • 1 tomato, cut into wedges 番茄,切塊
  • 4 dried chilies, ripped in half 乾辣椒,撕成兩半
  • 1 Tbsp tomato paste 番茄醬
  • 2 Tbsp spicy bean paste 辣豆瓣醬
  • 2 tsp sugar 糖
  • 1⁄2 cup soy sauce 醬油
  • 1⁄2 cup Shaoxing wine 紹興酒
  • Chinese aromatic herbs packet (lu bao) 滷包
  • Fresh white noodles 新鮮的白麵條
  • A small handful of bok choy for each serving 每份一小把白菜
  • Cilantro, finely chopped 香菜,切碎
  • Scallions, finely chopped 蔥,切碎
  • Pickled mustard greens to taste 酸菜

Instructions 作法

  1. Boil enough water in a pot to boil all of your beef. Once the water is boiling, add the beef. Let it come back up to a boil, and boil for 1 minute. Strain in a colander and rinse thoroughly with fresh water to remove any impurities.
  2. Next, in your instant pot, turn on the saute setting. Add the oil, crushed ginger, garlic, scallions, and onions in that order. Stir to lightly caramelize. Let the onion turn translucent. Add the tomato and dried chilies.
  3. Next, add the meat to the pot. Then add the tomato paste, spicy bean paste, sugar, soy sauce, and Shaoxing wine, and mix thoroughly.
  4. Pour 8 cups of water into the instant pot. Add the spice packet. The instant pot should be filled to the 10-cup line; it shouldn’t be more than ⅔ of the way full per safety instructions. Our instant pot is the largest size (8 quarts); if yours is smaller, you can halve the recipe accordingly.
  5. Close the lid of the instant pot, and make sure you have your vent set so it is not venting. Cook for 45 minutes on the aromatic meat stew setting. If you don’t have an instant pot, you can use a regular pot on the stove, but instead, cook the soup on a low simmer for 3-4 hours.
  6. When the instant pot timer is up, carefully release the pressure valve (wear an oven mitt, so you don’t scald yourself!). Boil some noodles per package instructions, and in the last minute or two of the noodles cooking, throw your bok choy in and blanch until just tender.
  7. Serve each bowl of Taiwanese beef noodle soup with a serving of noodles, a few stalks of bok choy, and generous sprinklings of finely minced cilantro, scallions, and Chinese pickled mustard greens. Pro tip, buy the pre-seasoned spicy mustard greens and you can use them straight out of the package. If you are using the non-spicy version (from a can, for example), chop and saute with a little oil, a few chopped dried red chilies, and a pinch of sugar.
  1. 在鍋裡煮足夠的水來煮所有的牛肉。水沸騰後,加入牛肉。讓它重新沸騰,煮 1 分鐘。用漏勺過濾並用清水徹底沖洗除去任何雜質。
  2. 接下來,在你的快煲電壓力鍋 (instant pot 音速鍋) 中,打開炒菜設定。依序加入油、薑末、大蒜、蔥和洋蔥。攪拌至輕微焦糖化。讓洋蔥變成半透明。加入番茄和乾辣椒。
  3. 接下來,將肉加入鍋中。然後加入番茄醬、辣豆瓣醬、糖、醬油、紹興酒,調勻。
  4. 將 8 杯水倒入鍋中。加入香料包。鍋應滿至 10 杯線,根據安全說明,其容量不應超過 2⁄3。我們的快煲電壓力鍋尺寸是最大的 8 夸脱,如果你的比較小,你可以相應地將食譜減半。
  5. 蓋上鍋的蓋子,並確保關閉了通風口,以免通風。在燉肉設定上煮 45 分鐘。如果你沒有快煲電壓力鍋,你可以用爐子上的普通鍋,但用小火煮湯 3-4 小時。
  6. 當快煲電壓力鍋定時器啟動時,小心地釋放壓力閥(戴上烤箱手套,這樣就不會燙傷自己!)。依照包裝說明煮一些麵條,在煮麵條的最後一兩分鐘,將高麗菜放入水中,汆燙至變軟。
  7. 每碗台灣牛肉麵湯都配有一份麵條、幾根白菜,並撒上大量切碎的香菜、蔥和中國酸菜。專業提示,購買預先調味的辣酸菜,你可以直接從包裝中使用。如果您使用的是不辣的版本(例如罐裝),請切碎並用少許油、一些切碎的乾紅辣椒和少許糖炒。

Recipe 食譜