Recipe: Taiwanese Popcorn Chicken 鹽酥雞

Original recipe link (原版食譜): 自由時報 蔡季芳老師在家自製鹹酥雞

Ingredients 食材

  • 2 chicken breast 雞胸肉
  • 1⁄2 bowl coarse sweet potato starch 粗粒地瓜粉 (Choose coarse kind so that the surface will be crispy after frying. 選粗粒, 炸過後表面才會酥脆)
  • 1 bunch basil 九層塔
  • Marinade sauce 醃料:
    • 2 Tbsp soy sauce 醬油
    • 1⁄2 tsp salt 鹽
    • 1 tsp sugar 糖
    • 2 Tbsp cooking wine 酒
    • 1 tsp finely minced garlic 細蒜末
    • 1⁄4 tsp five-spice powder 五香粉
    • 1 Egg 蛋
  • Seasoning 調味料:
    • 2 Tbsp white pepper 白胡椒
    • 2 Tbsp salt 鹽
    • 1⁄2 tsp five-spice powder 五香粉
    • 1⁄2 tsp ground coffee 咖啡粉
    • 1⁄2 tsp cinnamon powder 肉桂粉

Instructions 作法

  1. Cut chicken breasts into bite size. Marinate chickens use the marinate sauce (except egg). After the marinade is mixed well, continue to add one egg and mix well. Chill the chicken in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour.
  2. Take the chicken out of the refrigerator, add the sweet potato starch to the marinated chicken and stir it with your fingers so that each piece of chicken can be evenly coated in the sweet potato starch.
  3. Evenly coat the surface of coated sweet potato starch chicken with a layer of sweet potato starch the second time. The function is to increase the crispiness after frying. After coating, let it sit for 1 to 2 minutes. I only applied a thin layer of sweet potato starch.
  4. The original recipe calls for frying twice in oil, but I used an air fryer. First brush a layer of oil on the chicken, put the chicken oil side down into the air fryer and brush another layer of oil, air fry at 320° F (160° C) for 10 minutes, turn over and air fry for another 10 minutes, then Air fry at 400° F (200° C) for 6 minutes.
  5. Deep-fried nine-layer pagoda.
  6. Mix all the seasonings and stir-fry until fragrant.Sprinkle the seasonings on the fried chicken pieces and it's done.
  1. 將雞胸肉切成一口大小。用醃料 (蛋除外) 醃製雞肉。醃料拌勻後繼續加入雞蛋拌勻。將雞肉放進冰箱冷藏至少1小時。
  2. 將雞肉從冰箱拿出,將地瓜粉加入醃好的雞肉中以手指輕撥,使每塊雞肉都可以均勻蘸裹到地瓜粉。
  3. 將裹上一層薄薄地瓜粉的雞肉,表面再次均勻裹上一層地瓜粉 ,作用是可增加油炸後的酥脆感,裹粉後靜置 1~2 分鐘使其返潮備用。我則是沾一層薄薄的地瓜粉。
  4. 原本的食譜是用油鍋炸兩次,我則是用氣炸鍋。先刷一層油在雞肉上,把雞肉油面朝下放進氣炸鍋中再刷一層油,華式 320° (攝氏 160°) 氣炸 10 分鐘,翻面再氣炸 10 分鐘,然後華式 400° (攝氏 200°) 氣炸 6 分鐘。
  5. 油炸九層塔。
  6. 混合所有的調味料,再下鍋乾炒至傳出香氣。把調味料撒在炸好的雞塊,即完成。

Recipe 食譜