Recipe: Desiccated Coconut Toast 椰蓉吐司

Original recipe link (原版食譜): XiaoMin's Fun 小敏的Fun 椰蓉吐司

Ingredients 食材

  • Main Dough 麵團:
    • 250 g (2 Cup) Bread Flour 高筋麵粉
    • 3 g (1 tsp) Yeast 酵母
    • 30 g (⅛ Cup) White Sugar 白砂糖
    • 2 g (0.3 tsp) Salt 鹽
    • 1 Egg 雞蛋
    • 120 g (0.51 Cup) Milk 牛奶
    • 20 g (1.41 Tbsp) Butter 奶油 (Can Be Replaced With 15g Cooking Oil, Or Equivalent Amount Of Lard 可用15克食用油或等量豬油代替)
  • Coconut Filling 椰蓉餡:
    • 50 g desiccated coconut 椰絲
    • 20 g (1.41 Tbsp) Butter 奶油
    • 30 g (⅛ Cup) White Sugar 白砂糖
    • 45 g Whole Egg Liquid 全蛋液 (One Egg, A Small Amount Is Reserved For Brushing The Egg Liquid, All The Rest Are Added 蛋一個,少量留作刷蛋液,其餘全部添加)

Instructions 作法

    Preheat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius, top and bottom heat, 175 degrees Celsius, put the bottom layer to bake for about 35 minutes, about 15 minutes in time to cover the tin paper. Different oven temperatures vary, depending on the condition of your own oven to grasp.
  1. Make the dough: Put the dry ingredients (250 g bread flour, 1 tsp yeast, 30 g sugar, 0.3 tsp Salt) for the dough into a bowl and mix well, add 1 egg, add milk in small amounts and several times, mix evenly. Then knead with your hands until all the ingredients are combined. Add butter, wrap it inside the dough, and then continue to knead the dough for 15 minutes until it becomes a membrane (or you can knead it with a machine). Apply a small amount of cooking oil on the surface, cover it with plastic wrap, and let it rise until it doubles in size.
  2. Make coconut filling: In a small pot, melt 20 g of butter, add 30 g of white sugar, 1 whole beaten egg, 50 g of desiccated coconut, and stir evenly.
  3. Take the dough out on the work surface, press (no kneading) several times, roll it out with a rolling pin, and roll it into a rectangular shape. Spread coconut filling on top. Leave 1⁄3 without coconut filling, fold it in half starting from the no filling part, into 1⁄3 size, and close the two ends and the opening (pinch all three sides). Use the rolling pin again to roll it long, not wide. Turn it over, put the uneven side inside, fold it twice into 1⁄3 size, and roll it out with a rolling pin again. Leave about 1 centimeter at the top (don't cut it), cut into 3 equal lengths, start braiding, turn the opening upward, fold down both ends after braiding.Put it in a loaf pan, let it rise until 80% high of loaf pan, and then brush with egg wash on top.
  4. Place in an oven preheated to 350° F (170°C) and bake for about 35 minutes (cover with foil when baking for about 15 minutes). After baking, unmold and let cool before eating.
  1. 製作麵團: 將麵團部分的乾粉 (高筋麵粉 250 克、酵母 1 茶匙、糖 30克、鹽 0.3 茶匙) 置入碗中拌勻,加入 1 顆蛋,牛奶少量多次加入,攪拌均勻,用手揉直到所有材料融合一起。加入奶油,包到麵團中,之後繼續揉麵團 15 分鐘直至手膜狀態 (或用機器揉麵也可),表層塗上少量食用油,用保鮮膜蓋住,讓它發麵發到兩倍大。
  2. 製作椰蓉餡: 在一小鍋中,融化 20 g 奶油,加入 30 g 白砂糖,1 個全蛋液,50 g 椰絲,攪拌均勻。
  3. 將麵團拿出置於工作臺上,按壓(不揉)數次,用擀麵杖擀開,擀成長方型。鋪上椰蓉。留 1⁄3 不鋪椰蓉,由空白處開始折兩折,成 1⁄3 大小,兩尾端及開口處收口。再次用擀麵杖擀長,不要擀寬。翻過來,將不整齊的一面置內,折兩折成 1⁄3 大小,再次用擀麵杖擀長。頂端留 1 公分左右 (不切),直切均等 3 條,開始編辮子,將開口處向上,編好後兩端折下去,放入吐司盒,發酵到 8 分滿,刷上全蛋液。
  4. 放入預熱至華式 350° (攝氏 170°)的烤箱,烤35分鐘左右,(在烤約15分鐘的時候蓋上錫箔紙)。烤好後,脫模放涼後可食用。

Recipe 食譜