Recipe: Stir-fried Rice Noodles with Beef 乾炒牛河

Original recipe link (原版食譜): Good Cook Channel 好煮播 乾炒牛河

Ingredients 食材

  • 80 g beef 牛肉
  • 380 g rice noodle 河粉
  • 1 slice ginger 薑絲
  • 1 scallion 蔥
  • 4 hotbed chives 韮黃
  • mung bean sprouts 銀芽
  • white sesame白芝麻
  • 3 Tbsp oil 油
  • 1 Tbsp dark soy sauce 老抽
  • 2 tsp (light) soy sauce 生抽
  • 1 tsp sugar 糖
  • Marinade 醃料:
    • 1 tsp potato starch 生粉
    • 1 tsp (light) soy sauce 生抽
    • 1⁄2 tsp sugar 糖
    • 1 Tbsp water 水
    • 1 Tbsp oil 油

Instructions 作法

  1. Cut the beef into thin slices about 2 mm across the stripe. Add the marinade seasoning to the beef. Stir evenly before adding 1 Tbsp of oil. Stir and marinate for 10 minutes. Set aside.
  2. Cut ginger, scallions and hotbed chives into thin slices
  3. First, lightly spread the rice noodles a little bit
  4. Heat a wok with oil, add 3 Tbsp of oil, soak the beef slices in the oil until half-cooked, and set aside.
  5. Add ginger and rice noodles and stir-fry briefly. Add (light) soy sauce and sugar, stir-fry briefly, then add dark soy sauce and stir-fry. Add beef, mung bean sprouts, scallions, and hotbed chives. Stir-fry quickly until evenly mixed, then turn off the heat and serve.
  1. 將牛肉橫紋切薄片,約 2 公釐/毫米,將醃肉的調味料加入牛肉,攪拌均勻後才加入 1 湯匙油攪拌,醃 10 分鐘,備用
  2. 薑切絲、蔥和韮黃切段
  3. 先把河粉輕輕弄散一點點
  4. 燒熱油鑊,加入3湯匙油,將牛肉片泡油至半熟倒起,備用
  5. 放入薑絲和河粉略炒,加入生抽和糖,略炒,再放老抽炒均,加入牛肉,銀芽,蔥段,韮黃,快炒均後,熄火上碟

Recipe 食譜