Recipe: Chocolate Chip Cookies (King Arthur's Supersized, Super-Soft) 巧克力餅乾

Original recipe link (原版食譜): Supersized, Super-Soft Chocolate Chip Cookies
YouTube: Giant Chocolate Chip Cookies: Our 2024 Recipe of the Year
The original ingredients make 16-17 large cookies (or 28 medium cookies), I halved the portion size and put in the ingredients below. I forgot I didn't have any chocolate chips, so I substituted with white chocolate chips with butterscotch chips. This chocolate chip cookie tastes a little caramel which I like. It may be a little too sweet for me. I may reduce the amount of chocolate chips or replace them with dark chocolate chips in the future. My husband said they tasted like Ms. Fields cookies which were tasty.
原版食材可做16-17個大餅乾 (或28個中型餅乾),我把份量減半放在下面的食材中。我忘了我沒有巧克力粒,我用白巧克力粒加奶油硬糖粒取代。這款巧克力餅乾吃起來有一點焦糖香味,對我來說可能還是稍甜了些,以後可能減少巧克力粒的份量或換成黑巧克力粒。我先生說吃起來像 Ms. Fields 餅乾。

Ingredients 食材

  • 1 cups (213 g) light brown sugar, packed 紅糖
  • 1 tsp table salt 鹽
  • 8 Tbsp (113 g) unsalted butter, cut into 1" pieces 無鹽奶油切成 1 吋的塊狀
  • 1/4 cup (56.5 g) milk, whole preferred 全脂牛奶
  • 1 3/8 cups (165 g) (King Arthur Unbleached) Bread Flour, divided 高筋麵粉
  • 1 large eggs, cold from the refrigerator 從冰箱拿出來冷的大蛋
  • 1/2 Tbsp (1.5 tsp) (King Arthur) Pure Vanilla Extract 純香草精
  • 7/8 tsp baking powder 泡打粉
  • 1/8 tsp baking soda 小蘇打粉
  • 1 cups (170 g) semisweet chocolate, preferably 60% to 65% cocoa content (Use chopped wafers or bars for best results; if using chocolate chips, chop them roughly before incorporating.)
    1 杯 (170 g) 半甜巧克力,最好可可含量為 60% 至 65%(使用切碎的薄酥餅或巧克力棒效果較好;如果使用巧克力片,在摻入之前大致切碎。)

Instructions 作法

  1. In a large bowl, combine 213 g brown sugar and 1 tsp salt. Set aside.
  2. To brown 113 g butter: In a saucepan over medium-high heat, melt the butter. After several minutes, the butter will sizzle and may spatter. Continue to cook the butter, swirling the pan regularly, for about 5 to 7 minutes, until it’s a dark golden brown color and brown bits start collecting at the bottom of the pan; the butter will have stopped sizzling and may also have a layer of foam on the surface.
  3. Once the butter is browned, immediately pour it over the sugar mixture (be sure to scrape out the brown bits at the bottom) and whisk vigorously to combine; this helps dissolve the sugar slightly and creates the shiny surface of the baked cookies. (The mixture will stay lumpy and won't become smooth at this point.) Set the empty saucepan aside to cool slightly.
  4. To make the tangzhong: In the same saucepan used to brown the butter, combine 56.5 g milk with 1.5 Tbsp (11.5 g) of the bread flour and whisk until no lumps remain.
  5. Place the saucepan over low heat and cook the mixture, stirring regularly with a whisk and then a flexible spatula, until it’s thickened, paste-like, and starts to come together into one mass, about 2 to 3 minutes.
  6. Remove from the heat and transfer directly to the bowl with the butter and sugar. Whisk until mostly smooth; some lumps of the tangzhong mixture are OK.
  7. Add 1 egg and 1/2 Tbsp vanilla and continue whisking until smooth.
  8. Add 153.5 g bread flour to the bowl with the butter and sugar, then add 7/8 tsp baking powder and 1/8 tsp baking soda. Using a whisk or flexible spatula, stir until well combined and no dry spots remain.
  9. Place the bowl, uncovered, in the refrigerator and allow it to cool for 10 to 15 minutes.
  10. While the batter is cooling, use a serrated knife to roughly chop the 1 cup chocolate into coarse pieces. Avoid chopping the chocolate too fine, as small pieces will melt when mixed into the dough.
  11. Remove the dough from the refrigerator and fold in the chopped chocolate. Cover the bowl and return to the refrigerator for 24 to 72 hours to allow the flavors to intensify.
  12. To bake the cookies: When you’re ready to bake, remove the chilled cookie dough from the refrigerator and let it rest at room temperature for about 10 to 15 minutes to allow it to warm up slightly. Meanwhile, preheat the oven to 350°F with a rack in the center.
  13. Scoop the dough into 85 g to 90 g portions; a level scone and muffin scoop works well here. If you’re scooping by hand, the mounds of dough should be about 2 1/4" in diameter. To make smaller cookies (that are still generous in size), scoop the dough into 50 g portions using a jumbo cookie scoop.
  14. Arrange the scooped cookie dough on parchment-lined baking sheets, them 3" to 4" apart. (Five dough balls fit perfectly on a half-sheet pan. The 90 g cookies can be arranged in a 2-1-2 pattern; the 50 g cookies can be arranged in a slightly staggered 4 x 2 pattern.) For consistently shaped cookies, roll each piece of dough into a smooth ball before baking.
  15. Bake the large (90 g) chocolate chip cookies at 350°F for 18 to 22 minutes or the smaller (50 g) cookies for 15 to 18 minutes, until the edges are set and the cookies are browned, rotating the pan halfway through baking to ensure even browning. (For best results, bake one pan of cookies at a time.) Remove the cookies from the oven and let them rest on the baking sheets until cool enough to handle, at least 15 minutes.
  16. Storage information: Store leftover chocolate chip cookies, covered, for up to 5 days; their slightly crispy edges will soften and the cookies will maintain a soft texture. Freeze baked cookies for longer storage.

Note: To bake immediately (no overnight rest): Prepare the recipe as written through chopping the chocolate (step 10). Prepare a 9" x 13" pan with a parchment paper sling; lightly grease the shorter, exposed sides of the pan with nonstick spray. Fold in the chopped chocolate, and then immediately transfer the batter to the prepared pan. Spread the batter evenly in the pan. Bake at 350°F for 34 to 38 minutes, until well-browned and set. A toothpick or thin knife inserted into the center should come out with some moist crumbs but no raw batter. Cool the cookie bars completely before using the sling to remove them from the pan and slicing.

  1. 在一個大碗中,混合 213 克紅糖 (light brown sugar) 和 1 茶匙鹽。然後擱置一旁。
  2. 將 113 克奶油煎成棕色:在平底鍋中以中高溫融化奶油。幾分鐘後,奶油會發出嘶嘶聲並可能會飛濺。繼續煮奶油,不斷轉鍋約 5 到 7 分鐘,直到奶油變成深金棕色,棕色碎片會出現在鍋底;之後奶油會停止嘶嘶作響,表面可能還會有一層泡沫。
  3. 一旦奶油變成棕色,立即將它倒在糖混合物上(一定要刮掉底部的棕色碎片)並用力攪拌混合;這有助於溶解糖,並使烤好的餅乾表面有光澤。(此時混合物是塊狀並不光滑。)將空平底鍋放在一邊讓它稍微冷卻。
  4. 製作湯種:在用煎奶油的同一個平底鍋中,將 56.5 克牛奶與 1.5 湯匙(11.5 克)高筋麵粉混合,攪拌直至沒有結塊。
  5. 將平底鍋放在小火上,煮混合物,用攪拌器和稍軟的抹刀不時攪拌,直到變稠呈糊狀,開始成團,大約需要 2 到 3 分鐘。
  6. 從火上移開,直接倒入奶油和糖的碗中。攪拌至光滑;湯種混合物有一些塊狀也沒關係。
  7. 加入 1 顆雞蛋和 1/2 大匙香草精,繼續攪拌至光滑。
  8. 將 153.5 克高筋麵粉加入碗中,加入奶油和糖,然後加入 7/8 茶匙泡打粉和 1/8 茶匙小蘇打粉。使用攪拌器或稍軟的抹刀攪拌直至充分混合且沒有乾粉存在。
  9. 將碗不蓋蓋子放入冰箱中,冷卻 10 至 15 分鐘。
  10. 趁麵糊冷卻時,用鋸齒刀將 1 杯巧克力大致地切成粗塊。不要將巧克力切得太細,因為小塊巧克力混合到麵團時會融化。
  11. 將麵團從冰箱取出,拌入切碎的巧克力。蓋上碗並放回冰箱冷藏 24 至 72 小時,讓味道更加濃郁。
  12. 烘烤餅乾:準備烘烤時,將冷藏的餅乾麵團從冰箱中取出,在室溫下放置約 10 至 15 分鐘,使其稍微升溫。同時將烤箱預熱至華式 350°,放置架子在中間。
  13. 將麵團分成 85 克至 90 克的份;平的烤餅和鬆餅勺在這裡很好用。如果用手舀,麵團的直徑應約為 2 1/4 英吋。要製作較小的餅乾(其實它並不小),請使用大餅乾湯匙將麵團舀成 50 公克份。
  14. 將舀出的餅乾麵團放在鋪有烘焙紙的烤盤上,間距為 3 至 4 英吋。(五個麵團球放在 half-sheet pan 淺邊金屬烤盤上。90 克餅乾可以排列成 2-1-2 圖案;50 克餅乾可以排列成稍微交錯的 4x2 圖案。)為了能有形狀一致的餅乾,烘烤前將每塊麵團滾成光滑的球狀。
  15. 大的巧克力餅乾(90 克)華式 350° 烘烤 18 至 22 分鐘,小的(50 克)烘烤 15 至18 分鐘,直至邊緣定型且餅乾變成棕色,烘烤中途將烤盤轉半圈以確保均勻成棕色。(最好一次只烘烤一盤餅乾。)將餅乾從烤箱中取出,放在烤盤上至少 15 分鐘,直到冷卻到可以觸碰。
  16. 儲存:將剩餘的巧克力餅乾密封保存,最多可保存 5 天;略脆的邊緣會變軟,餅乾會保持柔軟。將烤好的餅乾冷凍起來可以保存更久。

註:如果想立即烘烤(不過夜):按照食譜準備,切碎巧克力(第 10 步)。準備一個 9"x13" 的烤盤,上面鋪上烘焙紙;用不沾噴霧輕輕噴表面。拌入切碎的巧克力,然後立即將麵糊轉移到準備好的烤盤中。將麵糊均勻地舖在烤盤中。用華式 350° 烘烤 34 至 38 分鐘,直至呈棕色並凝固。插入中心的牙籤或薄刀應該會有一些潮濕的麵屑,但沒有生麵糊。將餅乾棒完全冷卻,然後用烘焙紙將其從烤盤中取出並切片。

Recipe 食譜