Prose 生活隨筆: Words 言辭

(An old post was published on another blog of mine.)
My family and many friends know that I rarely cook, so why do I use bread pictures in this post? What does the bread have anything to do with the words?

When I was young, I felt that eating was just a life-sustaining obligation and it was a waste of time. I really hope that someone will invent a pill which can satisfy me in place of a meal. However I did not know that I married a man who embraces Chinese saying “eating is the most paramount concern for the people, and taste is the focal point regarding eating”. Since I am not interested in eating, I only care about whether food is cooked or not and I can’t tell the taste from good to bad. So, this kind of cooking approach brings me a lot of troubles in our marriage. My husband can’t bear my tasteless food because my late mother-in-law was a good cook and everyone loved her cooking. So when we first got married, most of our quarrels were related to cooking. And I was often “instructed” how to cook (Chinese food). I felt frustrated. I totally lost confidence in cooking Chinese dishes. To avoid quarreling, in the end, my husband was in charge of cooking. I occasionally cooked Western food or desserts.

During the pandemic, I often see different people making bread. Although I really want to try making one, I have not dared to try because of the low success rate in the past for experiments in making different food. One day I was chatting with a friend and somehow we talked about making bread. Later she shared a couple of bread recipes with me. I was so bored at home that I wanted to give it a try. Surprisingly, I got a lot of praise from my husband when he tasted the bread. He even asks me to make different kinds of bread. Reminds me of the theory of positive reinforcement. According to the operant conditioning theory of psychology, people can learn the desired behavior through the Stimulus-Response (S-R) such as reward and punishment. So my husband’s positive encouragement allowed me to increase my confidence to try a few different kinds of bread. And he could also enjoy some good food without having to labor. From this example, we can see that positive and encouraging words are very effective.

Proverbs 18:20-21 “With the fruit of his mouth a man’s stomach will be satisfied; With the produce of his lips he will be satisfied. Death and life are in the power of the tongue, And those who love it will eat its fruit.”

I did not know it was due to my personality or social-cultural influence. This reminds me that when my children were young, I gave my children less praise compared to American parents. And I am not used to hugging them or saying I love you. It wasn’t until my children grew up and communicated to me that I realized the negative impact of the lack of positive body or verbal encouragement for the children. They will mistakenly think that they are not cherished by their parents. Sometimes they also live in the myth of pursuing perfection to please their parents, and become depressed when thinking in their own minds that they are not worthy or good enough. I am very grateful that my daughters have a close relationship with me. They can communicate with me frankly, so that I can give them positive and loving encouragement now to remedy the old wounds.

Ephesians 4:29 “Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but only that which is good for building up, according to the need, that it may give grace to those who hear.”

We know that we need to say positive words to others, but sometimes we forget to avoid speaking negative words to curse ourselves. For example, I have a poor memory, always forgetting things; I am so stupid that I can’t cook any dishes; I’m so naive, I’m often deceived by others and so on. In fact, these are all words cursing oneself. Words have powers. Positive words offer blessings. Blessings always win over curses. So besides building up, encouraging, providing consolation and blessing others often, don’t forget to bless yourself and avoid cursing yourself.

Proverbs 15:4 “A soothing tongue is a tree of life, But perverseness in it is a breaking of the spirit.”



疫情期間,常看到不同的人在做麵包,雖然很想試試,但是由於我過去試驗做不同的食物成功率不高,所以一直不敢出手嘗試。有一天與朋友聊天,不知怎麼提起做麵包之事,她便把她試過的食譜與我分享,我待在家裏無聊至極,就想姑且一試,未料破天荒得到先生許多誇獎,竟然要我做不同口味的麵包,讓我想到正向強化增強(Positive reinforcement)理論。根據心理學的操作制約理論(operant conditioning),人們可以藉由獎賞與懲罰這樣的刺激─反應(Stimulus-Response, S-R)來學習被期望的行為。所以我先生的正面鼓勵,讓我增加信心去嘗試做幾種不同的麵包,他也能免其勞而得享些口福。從這個例子可以看出說正面及鼓勵人的話是很有功効的。

箴言 18:20-21 「人口中所結的果子、必充滿肚腹,他嘴所出的、必使他飽足。生死在舌頭的權下、喜愛他的、必喫他所結的果子。」


以弗所書 4:29 「污穢的言語、一句不可出口、只要隨事說造就人的好話、叫聽見的人得益處。」


箴言 15:4 「溫良的舌、是生命樹,乖謬的嘴、使人心碎。」

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