Prose 生活隨筆: Language 語言


在我還不認識神的時候,不記得祂如何給了我兩句話,讓我在人生的低谷中堅強的走下去,也願這話能供應給那需要的人。以賽亞書42:3a “壓傷的蘆葦,他不折斷;將殘的燈火,他不吹滅 。”

以上是當我在社團讀到許多動人的故事時,引起我對語言有更多感觸而補加的。以下是我在2020年六月剛開始寫部落格時寫的 (最近也稍做些補充及修改)。

好一陣子沒有用中文長篇大論書寫東西了,因為要寫部落格,逼著我把中文一字字用注音拼岀來,許多字還不知道要選那個才正確,這讓我想到語言這個有趣的話題。(現在回頭想) 前兩篇部落格文章英文版在前,因為我内心的有感而發是來自英文構思,而這篇的想法卻是源起中文。



(An old post was published on another blog of mine.)
I recently joined a group on Facebook. It is a group where Chinese people from all over the world share their immigration stories and how they integrated themselves into local life. Seeing many wonderful, interesting and encouraging articles in Chinese brings back my own memories and emotions about the Chinese language. After all, Chinese is my mother language and many ideas are easier to express using Chinese. Many people who live temporarily or immigrate overseas might experience some obstacles or struggles with the language. I remember when I first came to the United States to study Sociology in a master degree program, I sat in the classroom for a Sociology theory class and I felt so lost when I listened to the professor lecturing. I didn’t even know where to start taking the notes. Back in the college years in Taiwan, my classmates often borrowed notes from me. But now I was unable to take any notes. I just wanted to cry when I sat there. Until then, although I was not the best while studying in Taiwan, I went through a very tough competitive exam and got admitted into a high-ranked national university. Yet, now I couldn’t understand how I had become so dumb when I moved to America. I did not know how to study and how to take notes. Setbacks continued. After struggling for a period of time, I decided to lose face, let go of other’s expectations, start from scratch, and start over. Since I couldn’t be successful in studying, I decided to simply just be a “common person”. Although this is the darkest and painful period of my life, it has benefited me immensely. “The end of man is the beginning of God” is not wrong at all. After years of searching, God opened the door and led me to Him so that I can rely on this faithful God when I encounter any difficulties. Because of this experience of failure, it also made me more compassionate and with more empathy toward others. It helps me to lay the foundation of my way of treating others.

While I didn’t know God, somehow He supplied me with a verse to help me to get through the tough situations. I hope this verse can also be a supply for those in need. Isaiah 42:3a “A bruised reed He will not break; And a dimly burning flax He will not extinguish;”

The above is what I added as I saw many touching stories from the group which reminded me about my own struggles in foreign language. Below was written in June of 2020 when I first started writing a blog. (I have recently made some additions and modifications to it).

I haven’t written in Chinese for a while. I do not know how to input Chinese words using a normal keyboard. To write this blog in Chinese, I have to input the phonetics one by one using the touch keyboard on screen then choose the right character. This leads me to think about “language”. The first two blog posts I wrote in English first because those thoughts are in English (in retrospect-I guess). But this one is written in Chinese first because I think about this topic in Chinese.

I remembered at the time when I came to the U.S. in 1984 till I started working in 1988. When I communicated with people either through writing or speaking, I would think about the response in Chinese first then translate it in my head to English before I rendered the response. I do not know since when I used English in autopilot mode without the translation process. I doubt my brain would use English completely. Most likely it would be half English mixed with half Chinese, just like when I speak to my kids. For me, some vocabulary is more natural in English but some others in Chinese. I am very grateful to the old colleagues whom I met in my early work life. They did not mind in helping me and correcting my English in the memos; when I cannot express what I want to say, they will patiently guess or correct my English in a helpful way; in the absence of google era, some of them would even go to the library to find the answers for my questions regarding American custom and culture to satisfy my curiosity. They may not think it is a big deal, but I will always remember and appreciate their help.

Don’t overlook the impact of a language on a person. I remembered I went back to visit Taiwan years ago after I came to the U.S.. I was unable to understand a few vocabulary words that my friends used. I felt I was in an identity crisis. Isolation and loneliness saddened me at that time. After all these years, with the continuous evolution and invention of language, especially slang, that gap can still be felt. It is an undeniable fact that language also requires constant practice, otherwise it will lead to rust. After retiring and moving to California, I used less English to communicate. Now I have more Chinglish conversations (more Chinese than English) with my daughter.

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