Recipe: Black Garlic 黑蒜頭

Original recipe link (原版食譜): 如何自製黑蒜頭
Note: I wiped off the moisture every day, which might create an environment that cannot ferment, and all the garlic were dried out. Fail! I will update the recipe if I try other methods in the future. 我每天擦乾水氣,或許造成不能發酵的環境,做出來的蒜頭都乾掉了。失敗!以後如果試別的方法再更新食譜。

Ingredients 食材

  • Several Fresh garlic 新鮮蒜頭

Instructions 作法

  1. Do not wash the fresh dried garlic with water, but brush it clean with a toothbrush. Cut off excess pedicles, stems, whiskers, etc. to retain the complete shape of the garlic. If a whole head of garlic has a few cloves that look or feel stale, peel off those cloves.
  2. Place a stainless steel rack in the electronic pot, cover it with a layer of paper towels, and put a layer of garlic on top. Place another stainless steel rack or bamboo basket on top of it, cover it with a layer of paper towels, and then put a layer of garlic on top of it. Repeat until the end. Cover the top with a layer of paper towel. Be careful not to stuff too much garlic into each layer.
  3. Cover the electronic pot and plug it in to keep warm. Do not press cooking, heating or other functions other than keeping warm. Some electronic pots have an upper limit on the keeping warm time (for example, there is a safety limit of 8 hours of continuous keeping warm). Remember to set the alarm to re-keep warm.
  4. Open the pot lid at a fixed time every day to check the condition and check the temperature. If there is moisture on the inside of the pot lid, wipe it clean with paper towel and finish it as soon as possible before closing the pot lid.
  5. Keeping warm for 15 days.
  6. After taking out the garlic, add some water and vinegar to the inner pot and steam it to remove the garlic smell.
  1. 將新鮮乾蒜頭不用水洗,但用牙刷刷乾淨,剪掉多餘的蒂頭、梗、鬚等,保留完整的蒜頭形狀。若一整顆蒜頭有幾瓣看起來、摸起來不新鮮,得把那幾瓣剝除。
  2. 電子鍋內放不鏽鋼架,舖上一層廚房紙巾,放上一層蒜頭, 其上再放一個不鏽鋼架或竹簍,舖上一層廚房紙巾,再放上一層蒜頭,如此反覆,直到最上層蓋一層廚房紙巾。留心每層不要硬塞太多蒜頭。
  3. 蓋上電子鍋,插電保溫。不要按到煮飯、加熱等其它非保溫的功能。有些電子鍋的保溫時間有上限 (例如有8小時連續保溫的安全限制),要記得設鬧鐘重新保溫。
  4. 每天固定一個時間打開鍋蓋看看情況,檢查溫度。若鍋蓋內部上方有水氣,用餐巾紙擦拭乾淨,盡速處理完畢再蓋上鍋蓋。
  5. 保溫15天即完成。
  6. 蒜頭拿出來後,內鍋可加一些水及醋,蒸一下,以去除蒜味。

Recipe 食譜