Bird: White-eye (Zosterops) 繡眼

At the Taipei Botanical Garden, I saw a bunch of people taking pictures toward a tree. I was curious and asked what they were taking pictures of. It turned out to be white-eye. I often see photos of white-eye. I can see with my own eyes what it really looks like on this day. It really excites me. Since I am an amateur birdwatcher, I cannot be sure of their species. They may be Warbling white-eye (Zosterops japonicus) or Swinhoe's white-eye (Zosterops simplex), with the latter being more likely. It is a small passerine bird in the white-eye family Zosteropidae. The genus name combines the Ancient Greek words zōstēros meaning "belt" and ōpos meaning "eye". It is found in east China, Taiwan, north Vietnam, the Thai-Malay Peninsula, Sumatra and Borneo. It is mostly olive with the bold white-eyering. White-eye is active and rarely found on the ground. It is a very sociable species. While sociable, however, the white-eye typically forms monogamous relationships with mates.
我在台北植物園看到一堆人拿著大炮相機對著一棵樹猛照,很好奇的問人在照什麼,原來是綠繡眼,我常看到綠繡眼的照片,今日能親眼目睹它的真面目,真讓我興奮。由於我是業餘的愛觀鳥者,所以無法確定它們的種類,有可能是日菲繡眼,也可能是斯氏繡眼,而後者的可能性更大。它是雀形目繡眼鳥科的一種鳥類。它的屬名是由古希臘語 zōstēros 「腰帶」的意思, 和 ōpos 「眼睛」的意思組合而成。中文俗稱綠繡眼、青笛仔、暗綠繡眼鳥、台灣綠繡眼。廣東人多稱其為相思仔。分佈於中國東部、台灣、越南北部、泰馬來半島、蘇門答臘島及婆羅洲。它主要是橄欖色,帶有明顯的白眼。繡眼很活躍,很少在地上。它是一個高度羣集的物種。雖然高度羣集,繡眼通常與配偶形成一夫一妻制的關係。

Photo Date: 2024.03.09 Location: 臺北植物園 Taipei Botanical Garden, Taiwan

Notes 筆記

  • The white-eye is a small passerine bird in the white-eye family Zosteropidae. The genus name combines the Ancient Greek words zōstēros meaning "belt" or "girdle" and ōpos meaning "eye". Swinhoe's white-eye (Zosterops simplex) was formerly treated as a subspecies group of the Japanese white-eye (Zosterops japonicus) but based on the results of a molecular phylogenetic study published in 2018, it was promoted to species rank. It is mostly olive with the bold white-eyering.
  • It is found in east China, Taiwan, north Vietnam, the Thai-Malay Peninsula, Sumatra and Borneo. Populations have also been introduced throughout Southern California.
  • White-eye is active and rarely found on the ground. It is a very sociable species. While sociable, however, the white-eye typically forms monogamous relationships with mates – it has only one mate at any one time.
  • The species is omnivorous, living on a diet of fruit from several species of flowering plants, various types of insects, and nectar at all levels of foliage.
  • The white-eye is very adaptable to the green space environment created by humans, so bird watchers call it the "Three knights of the City" together with the Light-vented Bulbul and the Sparrow.
  • Swinhoe's white-eye is the city bird of Kaohsiung City in the Republic of China.
  • 繡眼是雀形目繡眼鳥科的一種鳥類。它的屬名是由古希臘語 zōstēros 「腰帶」的意思, 和 ōpos 「眼睛」的意思組合而成。斯氏繡眼(Zosterops simplex)以前被視為日菲繡眼(Zosterops japonicus)的一個亞種群,但根據 2018 年發表的分子系統發育研究結果,將其提升為種等級。中文俗稱綠繡眼、青笛仔、暗綠繡眼鳥、台灣綠繡眼。廣東人多稱其為相思仔。它主要是橄欖色,帶有明顯的白眼。
  • 分佈於中國東部、台灣、越南北部、泰馬來半島、蘇門答臘島及婆羅洲。種群也被引入整個南加州。
  • 繡眼很活躍,很少在地上。它是一個高度羣集的物種。雖然高度羣集,繡眼通常與配偶形成一夫一妻制的關係 (它在任何時候都只有一個配偶)。
  • 這物種是雜食性的,以多種開花植物的果實、各種昆蟲和各級葉子的花蜜為食。
  • 繡眼非常能適應人類營造的綠地環境,因此賞鳥人將他與白頭翁、麻雀併稱為「城市三俠」。
  • 斯氏繡眼是中華民國高雄市的市鳥。

References 參考資料

Birds Posts 鳥的帖子