Bird: Oriental Magpie-Robin (Copsychus saularis) 鵲鴝

The Oriental magpie-robin is a small passerine bird in the Muscicapidae family. The genus name Copsychus comes from the Ancient Greek words kopsukhos or kopsikhos, which mean "blackbird". Specific epithet saularis is a Latinized version of the Hindi word saulary, which means "hundred songs". The oriental magpie-robin is a distinctive black and white bird with a long tail that is held upright as it forages on the ground or perches conspicuously. It is a resident breeder in tropical southern Asia from Nepal, Bangladesh, India, Sri Lanka and eastern Pakistan, eastern Indonesia, Thailand, south China, Malaysia, and Singapore. They are territorial. Primarily insectivorous, the Oriental magpie-robin's diet consists of insects and other invertebrates, though it may occasionally consume nectar, geckos, leeches, centipedes, and even small fish. Oriental magpie-robins were widely kept as cage birds for their singing abilities and for fighting in India in the past. They continue to be sold in the pet trade in parts of Southeast Asia. The oriental magpie-robin is considered as the national bird of Bangladesh.
鵲鴝是鶲科的一種小型雀形目鳥類。又名豬屎渣、吱渣、信鳥或四喜。鵲鴝是孟加拉的國鳥。它的屬名來自古希臘文 kopsukhos 或 kopsikhos,是「黑鳥」的意思。種小名 saularis 是印度語 saulary 的拉丁語版本,是「一百首歌曲」的意思。鵲鴝是一種獨特黑白相間的鳥,尾巴很長,在地面上覓食或棲息時尾巴會豎起來。它是熱帶南亞的留鳥,分佈於尼泊爾、孟加拉、印度、斯里蘭卡、巴基斯坦東部、印尼東部、泰國、中國南部、馬來西亞和新加坡。它們有領地意識。鵲鴝主要以昆蟲為食,其飲食包括昆蟲和其他無脊椎動物,但偶爾也會吃花蜜、壁虎、水蛭、蜈蚣,甚至小魚。過去,鵲鴝因其歌唱能力和戰鬥能力而在印度被廣泛飼養為籠鳥。它們仍在東南亞部分地區的寵物貿易中被出售。鵲鴝是孟加拉的國鳥。

Photo Date: 2024.05.07 Location: 國父紀念館 Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall, Taiwan
Photo Date: 2023.05.23 Location: 臺灣大學 National Taiwan University, Taiwan

Notes 筆記

  • The Oriental magpie-robin is a small passerine bird in the Muscicapidae family. The genus name Copsychus comes from the Ancient Greek words kopsukhos or kopsikhos, which mean "blackbird". Specific epithet saularis is a Latinized version of the Hindi word saulary, which means "hundred songs".
  • The oriental magpie-robin is a distinctive black and white bird with a long tail that is held upright as it forages on the ground or perches conspicuously. The male has black upperparts, head and throat apart from a white shoulder patch. The underparts and the sides of the long tail are white. Females are grayish black above and grayish white under. Young birds have scaly brown upperparts and heads.
  • The magpie-robin is a resident breeder in tropical southern Asia from Nepal, Bangladesh, India, Sri Lanka and eastern Pakistan, eastern Indonesia, Thailand, south China, Malaysia, and Singapore.
  • Magpie-robins are territorial, especially during the breeding season when males sing from high perches. They are known to be aggressive in defending their territory and may even respond to their own reflections.
  • Magpie-robins use a range of calls including territorial calls, emergence and roosting calls, threat calls, submissive calls, begging calls and distress calls. Regardless of the seasons, dawn or dusk, when happy, they will sing on tree branches or on the outer walls of buildings. Therefore, it is known as the "Four Happy Children" in mainland China.
  • Breeding season varies by region, with nests typically found in tree hollows or wall crevices. The female is primarily responsible for nest building and incubation, which lasts 8 to 14 days. Eggs are pale blue-green with brown speckles, and clutches usually consist of four to five eggs.
  • Primarily insectivorous, the Oriental magpie-robin's diet consists of insects and other invertebrates, though it may occasionally consume nectar, geckos, leeches, centipedes, and even small fish.
  • Oriental magpie-robins were widely kept as cage birds for their singing abilities and for fighting in India in the past. They continue to be sold in the pet trade in parts of Southeast Asia.
  • The oriental magpie-robin is considered as the national bird of Bangladesh.
  • 鵲鴝是鶲科的一種小型雀形目鳥類。又名豬屎渣、吱渣、信鳥或四喜。Copsychus 屬名來自古希臘文 kopsukhos 或 kopsikhos,是「黑鳥」的意思。種小名 saularis 是印度語 saulary 的拉丁語版本,是「一百首歌曲」的意思。
  • 鵲鴝是一種獨特黑白相間的鳥,尾巴很長,在地面上覓食或棲息時尾巴會豎起來。雄鳥上身、頭部和喉嚨為黑色,肩膀有白色斑塊。腹部和長尾巴的兩側是白色的。雌鳥上身為灰黑色,腹部是灰白色。幼鳥的上半身和頭部是鱗片狀棕色。
  • 鵲鴝是熱帶南亞的留鳥,分佈於尼泊爾、孟加拉、印度、斯里蘭卡、巴基斯坦東部、印尼東部、泰國、中國南部、馬來西亞和新加坡。
  • 鵲鴝有領地意識,尤其是在繁殖季節,雄性鵲鴝會在高處唱歌。它們在保衛自己的領地時是攻擊性很強,甚至可能會對自己的影子有反應。
  • 鵲鴝會發出一系列叫聲,包括保衛領地的叫聲、出現和棲息叫聲、威脅叫聲、順從叫聲、乞求叫聲和求救叫聲。不分四季晨昏,在高興時會在樹枝或大廈外牆鳴唱。因此在中國大陸有「四喜兒」之稱。
  • 繁殖季節因地區而異,巢穴通常位於樹洞或牆壁縫隙中。雌鳥主要負責築巢和孵化,約 8 至 14 天。蛋呈淡藍綠色,帶有棕色斑點,每窩通常有四到五個蛋。
  • 鵲鴝主要以昆蟲為食,其飲食包括昆蟲和其他無脊椎動物,但偶爾也會吃花蜜、壁虎、水蛭、蜈蚣,甚至小魚。
  • 過去,鵲鴝因其歌唱能力和戰鬥能力而在印度被廣泛飼養為籠鳥。它們仍在東南亞部分地區的寵物貿易中被出售。
  • 鵲鴝是孟加拉的國鳥。

References 參考資料

Birds Posts 鳥的帖子