Recipe: No-Churn Mango Ice Cream 免攪拌芒果冰淇淋

Original recipe link (原版食譜): Homemade Mango Ice Cream Recipe (No Ice Cream Maker!)

Ingredients 食材

  • 2 large mangoes , ripe and juicy - to make 2 cups puree 成熟多汁大芒果,製作2杯果泥
  • 14 ounce can (395 g) sweetened condensed milk 煉乳
  • 2 cups cold heavy cream/whipping cream 重鮮奶油

Instructions 作法

  1. Dice the flesh of the mango. Puree using a blender, food processor or stick blender then measure out 2 cups of mango puree (about 2 1/4 cups of diced mango).
  2. Pour puree into a non-stick skillet over medium low heat. Cook, stirring constantly, for 8 - 10 minutes or until it reduces by half. The test is when you can drag a wooden spoon across the skillet and the path remains there for a second. Or measure out the puree to ensure it's reduced to at least 1 cup - less is even better! This can intensify mango flavor in the ice cream and also avoid tiny fine bits of icicles in the ice cream.
  3. Cool puree
  4. Combine cooled mango and condensed milk in a bowl.
  5. Beat cream with a hand held beater or stand mixer until stiff peaks form.
  6. Take a scoop of cream and put it in the mango mixture. Fold through until mostly combined - lumps are fine (this is just to lighten it up a bit).
  7. Then pour the mango mixture into the cream. Fold through rather than mixing vigorously like you would cake batter, until lump free. This will take a few minutes.
  8. Pour into a container (preferably with a lid). I recommend glass, if you can, or a non-reactive container.
  9. Place a piece of baking / parchment paper on the surface. Then place the lid on or using cling wrap.
  10. Freeze for 12+ hours.
  11. Remove parchment paper. Stand for 5 minutes to soften slightly, then scoop and serve! If frozen for 24 hours or longer, it will need a couple of extra minutes to soften to a scoop-able consistency.
  1. 將芒果肉切丁。使用攪拌機、食物處理機或棒式攪拌機打成泥,然後量出 2 杯芒果泥(約 2 1/4 杯芒果丁)。
  2. 將果泥倒入不沾鍋中,以中低火加熱。不斷攪拌,煮 8 - 10 分鐘或直至體積減少一半。當你可以將木勺拖過煎鍋時,看到鍋底可停留一秒鐘,就好了。或量出果泥以確保其減少到至少 1 杯 - 越少越好!這可以增強冰淇淋中的芒果風味,也可以避免冰淇淋中出現細小的冰粒。
  3. 將果泥放涼
  4. 將冷卻的芒果和煉乳放入碗中混合。
  5. 用手持式攪拌機或立式攪拌機攪拌奶油,直到形成硬性發泡。
  6. 取一匙奶油,放入芒果混合物中。拌入直到大部分混合。
  7. 然後將芒果混合物倒入奶油中。輕輕攪拌,而不是像蛋糕麵糊那樣劇烈攪拌,直到沒有結塊。這需要幾分鐘的時間。
  8. 倒入容器中(最好有蓋)。如果可以的話,我推薦玻璃或不與食物產生化學反應的容器。
  9. 在表面放一張烘焙紙。然後蓋上蓋子或蓋上保鮮膜。
  10. 冷凍12小時以上。
  11. 取出烘焙紙。靜置5分鐘使其稍微軟化,然後舀起即可食用!如果冷凍 24 小時或更長時間,則需要額外幾分鐘才能軟化至可以舀取的軟度。

Recipe 食譜