Recipe: Steamed Spare Ribs with Fermented Black Bean 豆豉蒸排骨

Original recipe link (原版食譜): 2分鐘學會廣東人排骨做法,做法簡單鮮香入味,易脫骨,吃著太香了

Ingredients 食材

  • Spare Ribs, chopped 排骨剁成塊
  • Fermented Black Bean, diced 豆豉切小粒
  • Ginger, minced 生薑剁碎
  • Garlic, minced 大蒜剁碎
  • Scallion, chopped 香蔥切成蔥花
  • Chili pepper, diced 辣椒切丁
  • Seasoning: salt, sugar, light soy sauce, white pepper, oyster sauce, corn starch
    調味料: 食鹽,白砂糖,生抽,胡椒粉,蠔油,澱粉

Instructions 作法

  1. Wash chopped spare ribs several times to clean the blood from the ribs.
  2. Heat the oil in a hot pan. Stir-fry the fermented black bean, minced ginger and garlic until fragrant (a couple of minutes). Then set aside.
  3. Marinated spare ribs: Add an appropriate amount of salt, sugar, light soy sauce, white pepper, oyster sauce and fried ginger, garlic, black beans from above step. Then add some corn starch to lock in the moisture of the ribs. Rub evenly with your hands. Pour in a little peanut oil and rub with your hands again. Marinate for 10 minutes.
  4. Boil the water in the pot. After the water boils, add the ribs on a plate then steam for 30 minutes.
  5. Take out the steamed pork ribs, garnish with chopped scallion and chili pepper.
  1. 剁成塊的新鮮排骨,放到清水裡清洗幾次,把排骨的血污清洗乾淨。
  2. 熱鍋燒油,油熱後把豆豉和薑蒜末放入炒香 (炒一下子),炒香後盛出備用。
  3. 醃制排骨:加適量的食鹽,一勺白砂糖,適量的生抽,少許胡椒粉,適量的蠔油,把炒好的薑蒜末豆豉放入,再加入一勺澱粉,鎖住排骨的水分,用手抓勻,最後淋入少許花生油,再次用手抓勻,醃制10分鐘讓它入味。
  4. 鍋中水燒開,水開後把排骨放入,蒸30分鐘即可。
  5. 拿出蒸好的排骨,撒上蔥花及辣椒,點綴一下就做好了。

Note: A very interesting phenomenon is that many home-version Chinese recipes adhere to the principle of "golden mean". "Moderate" and "a little" often appear in the recipes, which makes inexperienced Chinese cooks confused (such as I).
後記: 一個很有趣的現象,許多家庭版的中菜食譜是秉持「中庸之道」,「適量」及「少許」常出現在食譜中,讓沒經驗的中菜煮廚不知所從 (我就是其中的一個)。

Recipe 食譜