Recipe: Hokkaido Milk Bread 北海道牛奶吐司

Original recipe link (原版食譜): Food 52 Hokkaido Milk Bread

Ingredients 食材

  • Tangzhong 湯種:
    • 6 Tbsp water 水
    • 2 Tbsp bread flour 高筋麵粉
  • 1/4 cup whole milk, plus 1 splash for the egg wash 牛奶
  • 1 1⁄2 tsp active dry yeast 酵母
  • 2 1/2 cups (about 320 grams) bread flour, plus up to ¼ cup (30 grams) more 高筋麵粉
  • 1⁄4 cup sugar 糖
  • 1 tsp kosher salt 鹽
  • 1⁄4 cup heavy whipping cream 重鮮奶油
  • 1 Tbsp sweetened condensed milk or milk powder (optional) 煉乳或奶粉
  • 2 large eggs 大蛋
  • 2 Tbsp unsalted butter, softened, divided 軟化的無鹽奶油

Instructions 作法

  1. Prep the Tangzhong: In a small saucepan, whisk the water and flour until no lumps remain. Heat over medium-low heat, whisking constantly, for 3 to 5 minutes, until thickened to a gel-like consistency. Remove the pot from the heat. Let cool to room temperature.
  2. Microwave the ¼ Cup whole milk for 10-15 seconds. Sprinkle in 1 ½ tsp yeast; set aside for 5-10 minutes for the yeast to activate.
  3. In a large bowl, whisk 320 g (2½ C flour), 1⁄4 cup sugar and 1 tsp salt. In a small bowl whisk the tangzhong, 1⁄4 cup heavy whipping cream, 1 Tbsp condensed milk, and 1 egg.
  4. When it’s ready, add the yeast mixture (step #2) to the tangzhong mixture (step #3) and whisk gently. Add wet ingredient to the dry ingredients. Mix to form a dough and knead for 4 to 5 minutes until semi-smooth. The dough will be quite sticky, add remaining ¼ Cup flour (1 Tbsp at a time) and continue kneading.
  5. Add 2 Tbsp butter (1 Tbsp at a time), keep kneading until the dough smooth and elastic.
  6. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap or a damp towel. Let rise for 1 to 2 hours, until doubled.
  7. Once the dough is doubled, turn it out and punch it down. Divide into 4 pieces. For each piece, roll out the dough to a long oval. Fold the oval into thirds widthwise, then flatten again. Roll the dough up lengthwise, then place into the loaf pan. Repeat pieces.
  8. Let the dough rise again for about 1 hour, until nearly doubled.
  9. Heat the oven to 350°F. Whisk 1 egg with a splash of milk or water. Brush the egg wash over the dough. Bake for about 30 minutes, until golden brown on top. Let cool slightly, then slice
  1. 準備湯種:在一個小鍋中,攪拌水和麵粉,直到沒有結塊。以中小火加熱,不斷攪拌 3 至 5 分鐘,直至變稠至凝膠狀稠度。將鍋子從火上移開。冷卻至室溫。
  2. 以微波爐加熱 ¼ 杯全脂牛奶 10-15 秒。 撒上 1 ½ 茶匙酵母;放置 5-10 分鐘,讓酵母活化。
  3. 在一個大碗中,攪拌 320 g (2½ 杯麵粉)、1⁄4 杯糖和 1 茶匙鹽。在一個小碗中攪拌湯種、1⁄4 杯重鮮奶油、1 湯匙煉乳和 1 顆雞蛋。
  4. 準備好後,將酵母混合物 (步驟 #2) 加入湯種混合物中 (步驟 #3),輕輕攪拌。將濕成分加入乾成分中。混合形成麵團並揉捏 4 至 5 分鐘至半光滑。麵團會很粘,加入剩餘的 1⁄4 杯麵粉(一次 1 湯匙)並繼續揉捏。
  5. 加入 2 湯匙奶油(一次 1 湯匙),繼續揉捏至麵團光滑有彈性。
  6. 用保鮮膜或濕毛巾蓋住碗。讓麵團發酵 1 至 2 小時,直至兩倍大。
  7. 麵團發酵至兩倍大後,將其翻出來並壓扁。分成 4 塊。每一塊,將麵團擀成長橢圓形。將橢圓形橫向折成三等分,然後再次壓平。將麵團縱向捲起來,放入吐司模中。重複部驟做完 4 份。
  8. 讓麵團再次發酵約 1 小時,直到幾乎翻倍。
  9. 將烤箱加熱至 350°F。加入少許牛奶或水,攪拌 1 顆雞蛋做成蛋液。在麵團上刷上蛋液。烘烤約30分鐘,直到呈金黃色。稍微冷卻後切片

Recipe 食譜