Recipe: Home-made Noodle 自製麵條

Original recipe link (原版食譜): Carol 自在生活 自製麵條

Ingredients 食材 for 2

  • 200 g all-purpose four 中筋麵粉
  • 90 g cold water 冷水
  • 1⁄4 tsp salt 鹽

Instructions 作法

  1. Pour cold water into all the ingredients, slowly knead it into a ball, and use the heel of your palms to press the dough until the entire dough is smooth and without any powder.
  2. Put the dough into a bowl, cover with wet towel and let it rest at room temperature for 40 minutes.
  3. Sprinkle some flour on the table to prevent the dough from sticking. Place the rested dough on top. Roll the dough slightly thin and cut it into a size suitable for the width of the noodle press/pasta machine.
  4. Sprinkle some flour on both sides of the dough, use a dough press to press the dough into thin sheets, and then cut the dough sheets into the width you like using the thick or thin holes of the dough press.
  5. Sprinkle the cut noodles immediately with all-purpose flour to avoid sticking.
  6. Put it into boiling hot water and cook until the noodles float.
  1. 將冷水倒入所有材料中,慢慢捏成一個團狀,利用手掌根部壓揉麵團,搓揉至整塊麵團光滑均勻無粉粒。
  2. 把麵團放進盆中,蓋上擰乾的濕布室溫醒置40分鐘。
  3. 桌上灑些麵粉避免麵團沾粘,將醒置完成的麵團放上,將麵團稍微桿薄,切成適合壓麵機寬度的大小。
  4. 麵團 2 面都灑些麵粉,用壓麵機把麵團壓成薄片,再將麵片用壓麵機粗或細麵孔切成自己喜歡的寬度即可。
  5. 切好的麵條馬上灑上中筋麵粉避免沾粘。
  6. 放進已經沸騰的熱水中煮至麵條都浮起來就可以。

Notes/Tips 小撇步

  • It is best not to wash the dough press with water. When using the dough press, make sure the dough is not too wet, otherwise it will be sticky and difficult to clean. Sprinkle some flour on the surface of the dough to prevent it from sticking to the machine. When not in use, wrap the dough press in a clean plastic bag to avoid dust. If there is any sticking, just brush it with a small brush.
  • If you don’t have a dough press, use a rolling pin to slowly roll the dough into large, even sheets in step 3 above. Step 4 is to sprinkle a layer of all-purpose flour on the dough, then fold the dough and cut it into appropriate widths with a kitchen knife. Steps 5 and 6 are the same.
  • 壓麵機最好不要用水洗,使用壓麵機要避免麵糰太濕,否則容易沾黏而不好清理。麵糰表面都灑些粉也避免沾黏機器。不用的時候要用乾淨塑膠袋將壓麵機包裹起來才不會有落塵。如果有沾粘,用小刷子刷一下就可以。
  • 如果沒有壓麵機,上面第 3 步換成用桿麵棍慢慢將麵團桿成均勻的大薄片。第 4 步是將麵皮上灑上一層中筋麵粉,然後將麵皮折疊起來,再用菜刀切成適當寬度即可。第 5,6 步相同。

Recipe 食譜