Recipe: Onion Beef Pie 洋蔥牛肉餡餅

Original recipe link (原版食譜): Carol 自在生活 洋蔥牛肉餡餅 Chinese onion beef pie

Ingredients 食材 for 8

  • Onion Beef Fillings 洋蔥牛肉餡:
    • 1 onion (200 g) 洋蔥
    • 2 slices ginger 薑
    • 1 scallion 青蔥
    • 250 g ground beef 牛絞肉
    • 1 Tbsp soy sauce 醬油
    • 1 Tbsp cooking rice wine 米酒
    • 1 tsp sugar 糖
    • 1⁄2 tsp salt 鹽
    • 1⁄4 tsp white pepper 白胡椒
    • 50 ml water 水
    • 1 Tbsp sesame oil 麻油
  • Wrapper 外皮:
    • 300 g all-purpose four 中筋麵粉
    • 1 Tbsp oil 液體植物油
    • 180 ml warm water (60°C / 140°F) 溫水

Instructions 作法

  1. Make onion and beef stuffing:
    1. Mince onion and ginger. Cut scallion into small pieces.
    2. Chop ground beef until sticky
    3. Add rice cooking wine, soy sauce, sugar, salt and white pepper and mix well
    4. Add 50 ml water in 3-4 times and mix well
    5. Add onions, ginger and scallions and mix well
    6. Add sesame oil and mix well and set aside
  2. Make the wrapper:
    1. Add vegetable oil and warm water to all-purpose flour
    2. Use chopsticks to stir into flakes
    3. Mix by hand to form a dough
    4. Move to table and knead continuously until smooth
    5. Make it round and pinch tightly and place into a bowl
    6. Cover with a towel and rest for 40 minutes
    7. Sprinkle some all-purpose flour on the table. Move the dough to the table and sprinkle some flour on the surface.
    8. Divide into 8 equal parts
    9. Fold the smooth side of the small dough and pinch it tightly
    10. Cover and rest for 15 minutes
    11. Flatten the dough and roll it out into a round sheet that is thin on the outside and thick on the inside.
    12. Put appropriate amount of onion and beef filling in the center
    13. Fold and turn at the same time, and finally pinch the closing edge tightly
    14. Squish the pie
    15. Pour some oil into the pan, heat the oil, and put the pie in
    16. Cover and pan fry over medium-low heat until golden brown on both sides
  1. 製作洋蔥牛肉餡:
    1. 洋蔥切末,薑切末,青蔥切小段
    2. 牛絞肉剁至有黏性產生
    3. 加入米酒、醬油、糖、鹽及白胡椒粉攪拌均勻
    4. 分 3-4 次加入 50 ml 水,攪拌均勻
    5. 加入洋蔥、薑及青蔥混合均勻
    6. 加入麻油混合均勻備用
  2. 製作外皮:
    1. 液體植物油及溫水加入中筋麵粉中
    2. 用筷子攪拌成片狀
    3. 用手混合成團
    4. 移至桌面反覆搓揉至光滑
    5. 滾圓收口捏緊放入工作盆中
    6. 覆蓋布巾休息40分鐘
    7. 桌上灑些中筋麵粉,麵糰移至桌面,表面也灑些中筋麵粉
    8. 平均分切成8等份
    9. 小麵糰光滑面翻折出來,收口捏緊
    10. 覆蓋休息15分鐘
    11. 麵糰壓扁,擀開成外薄內厚的圓片
    12. 中央放上適量的洋蔥牛肉餡
    13. 一邊折一邊轉,最後將收口捏緊
    14. 餡餅壓扁
    15. 平底鍋倒入適量的油,油燒熱,放入餡餅
    16. 蓋上蓋子,中小火煎到兩面呈現金黃色即可

Recipe 食譜