Recipe: Braised tofu with minced meat 肉末燜豆腐

Original recipe link (原版食譜): 家常 #肉末焖豆腐 滑嫩又好吃, 连汤汁太拌饭了 , #豬肉焖豆腐

Ingredients 食材

  • 1 soft tofu 嫰豆腐
  • 1/2 lb minced port 肉末
  • ginger 薑
  • garlic 蒜
  • Bird Eye's Chili 小米辣椒
  • dark soy sauce 老抽
  • Oil 油
  • water 水
  • salt 鹽
  • chicken essence 雞精
  • white pepper powder 白胡椒粉
  • light soy sauce 生抽
  • oyster sauce 蠔油
  • corn starch 太白粉
  • chives 韮菜

Instructions 作法

  1. Cut soft tofu into long strips
  2. When the oil is hot, add minced meat and fry until cooked
  3. Add ginger, garlic, Bird Eye's Chili, dark soy sauce and stir-fry until fragrant
  4. Add water, salt, chicken essence, white pepper powder, light soy sauce and oyster sauce to taste
  5. Pour in the tofu and cook for two to three minutes
  6. Pour in a little water starch to thicken it
  7. Finally, sprinkle with chives to enhance the flavor and serve
  1. 將嫰豆腐切成長條
  2. 油熱了,加入肉末,炒熟
  3. 加入薑、蒜、小米辣椒,老抽,一起炒出香味
  4. 加入清水、鹽、雞精、白胡椒粉、生抽、蠔油調味
  5. 倒入豆腐煮兩、三分鐘
  6. 淋入少許水淀粉勾芡
  7. 最後撒上韮菜增香,即可盛出

Recipe 食譜