The Hushan Hiking Trail is connected by the Hushan Creek Trail, the Hushan Natural Trail, and the Hushan Ecological Trail. This 142-meter-high Hushan (Tiger Mountain), together with Xiangshan (Elephant Mountain), Leopard Mountain and Lion Mountain, is collectively known as the Four Beasts Mountains. The trails on these four mountains can be connected with each other. They are popular hiking routes in Xinyi District, Taipei City. In October 2024, Taiwan experienced frequent rain due to typhoons. Finally, by the Double Tenth Day (Taiwan National Day), the weather had stabilized, so my cousin took me to hike up Tiger Mountain. We entered the mountain from the trailhead next to Cihui Temple. To the left of the trailhead is the Hushan Natural Trail, which goes up the hill behind Cihui Temple and has many stairs and uphill sections. We chose the gentler trail on the right and walked along the bank of Hushan Creek.
My assiduous cousin reminded me not only to bring water, but also a long-handled umbrella, which not only can protect me from the rain, but can also be used as a hiking pole.
With the gurgling stream, lush woods and stone paths, you can imagine that walking on this trail is very delightful.
We walked to the Four Beasts Square and took a rest at the Four Beasts Pavilion. There are four stone pillars in the square, which are the directional indicators of Tiger Mountain (Hushan), Elephant Mountain (Xiangshan), Leopard Mountain (Baoshan) and Lion Mountain (Shishan). This square is quite spacious and is a good place to stop and rest.
從虎山溪自然步道的岔路走數分鐘即可看到三清宮大葉雀榕 , 這棵樹是南港山及四獸山一帶樹幹最巨碩的一棵老樹,約五、六個成年人才能合抱,樹齡推估約在百年以上。最近因為怕它倒塌,樹的周圍已被圍起來,不讓人靠近。
A few minutes' walk from the branch of the Hushan Creek Trail, you can see Ficus caulocarpa at the Sanqing Temple. This tree is an old tree with the largest trunk in Nangang Mountain and Four Beasts Mountains. It can take about five or six adults to hug it. The age of the tree is estimated to be more than a hundred years. Recently, for fear of its collapse, the area around the tree has been fenced off to prevent people from approaching it.
There are many paths on the Hushan Trail. I followed my cousin around and enjoyed the scenery along the way. Some of the stone steps look a bit intimidatingly steep, but each step is low, so climbing them isn't very tiring. My cousin said that many people come to Hushan to watch fireflies at night in April and May, so you can see fluorescent stickers on the ground along the way to ensure the safety of people. Watching fireflies is an activity that attracts me very much, and I would like to experience it if I have the opportunity in the future.
虎山峰為虎山稜線中最高的一處 (142公尺),在此可眺望台北101市區的景色,許多攝影愛好者喜歡在晨間、日落或是夜間,特地前來拍攝美景。可惜這天(2024.10.10)天氣陰沉,照出來的照片灰濛濛的,無法顯出這裏景色的美。
Tiger Peak is the highest point on the Tiger Mountain (Hushan) Ridge (142 meters). From here you can overlook the scenery of Taipei 101 City. Many photography enthusiasts like to come here to take pictures of the beautiful scenery in the morning, sunset or night. It's too bad that the weather was gloomy on this day (2024.10.10), and the photos taken were gray and black, which could not show the beauty of the scenery here.
Leopard Peak, which is as high as Tiger Peak, is not far away. My cousin also took me to Leopard Peak to take photos for keepsake. Because it was the Double Tenth Day, we also saw a helicopter team, which was very special.

After coming down the mountain, we enjoyed a hearty meal and spent time catching up and chatting about home life, ending the day on a warm and relaxing note.

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