Bean Curd Sheet Roll With Oyster Sauce 蠔油鮮竹卷

Original recipe link (原版食譜): Bobo's Kitchen 寶寶滋味館 蠔油鮮竹卷 Bean Curd Sheet Roll With Oyster Sauce

Ingredients 食材

  • #1
    • 2 ½ Tbsp cornstarch 玉米澱粉
    • 3 Tbsp water 水
  • #2
    • 1⁄4 Cup sliced black fungus 黑木耳絲
    • 1⁄3 Cup sliced bamboo shoots 竹筍絲
    • ½ lb minced pork 猪肉末
    • 1 ½ Tbsp oyster sauce 蠔油
    • ½ Tbsp soy sauce 醬油
    • 1 tsp sugar 糖
    • ¼ tsp white pepper 白胡椒粉
    • 1 tsp sesame oil 香油/芝麻油
  • #3
    • Bean Curd Sheet 腐皮 (can be found in freezer section in Asican grocery store)
  • #4
    • 2 Tbsp oyster sauce 蠔油
    • 2 tsp soy sauce 醬油
    • 1 tsp sugar 糖
    • ¼ tsp white pepper 白胡椒粉
    • 2 Tbsp water 水
  • #5
    • 1 Tbsp cornstarch 玉米澱粉
    • 2 Tbsp water 水

Instructions 作法

  1. Mixed #1, then stir
  2. Soak cloud fungus until soft, then finely sliced, then mix #2, then stir for 1 minutes
  3. Then add #1 into #2, then stir for 2 minutes
  4. Defrost #3, If it's too big, cut it into small pieces (see video for demo - original recipe link)
  5. Roll the stuffing inside the bean curd tightly (see video for demo), brush oil at the end of roll. Finish rolling all the rolls
  6. Heat up oil, use medium heat to fry for both sides until both sides golden brown (this step is optional)
  7. Mix #4 together, then add on top of bean curd rolls
  8. Use medium high heat to steam the bean curd rolls for 15 minutes
  9. Mix #5. Once rolls is done for the steaming, add the sauce #4 to the frying pan, after heat up then add #5 to the mixture, until is sticky, then add it back to the top of bean curd rolls
  1. 混合 #1,然後攪拌
  2. 將黑木耳浸泡至軟,切成細絲,然後混合 #2,攪拌 1 分鐘
  3. 然後將 #1 加入 #2 中,攪拌 2 分鐘
  4. 將 #3 退冰,如果太大可剪成小片(請參閱示範影片 - 原版食譜連結
  5. 將豆腐皮內的餡料捲緊(示範見影片),捲末刷油。 完成製作所有的豆腐捲
  6. 油燒熱,用中火將兩面煎至金黃色(此步不是必須的, 可以省略)
  7. 將 #4 混合後,添加到豆腐卷上
  8. 用中大火將豆腐捲蒸15分鐘
  9. 混合#5。蒸好後,將 #4 醬汁加入煎鍋中,加熱後加入 #5 醬汁,直到濃稠,然後放到豆腐捲上

Recipe 食譜