Recipe: Garlic Chives Wrap 韭菜盒子

Original recipe link (原版食譜): Not available any more

Ingredients 食材

  • 300 g (2.1 C) all purpose flour 中筋麵粉
  • 200 ml (0.7 C) Water 水
  • 10 ml (2 tsp) oil 油
  • 400g garlic chives 韭菜
  • 4 eggs (3 for scramble and 1 for binding), 4 顆蛋 (3 個用於炒蛋,1 個用於黏邊)
  • Salt 鹽
  • White pepper 白胡椒粉

Instructions 作法

  1. Add 200 ml (0.7-0.85 cup) of 80°C (176°F) water to 300 g (2.1 Cup) all purpose flour, Mix them until into small pieces.
  2. Add 10 ml oil (0.04 Cup,a little bit less than 2 tsp) into flour mixture. Kneel the dough until smooth. Cover the dough with the plastic wrap.
  3. Prepare garlic chives fillings: Scramble 3 eggs. Heat up oil and scramble eggs into small pieces. Put aside and let it cool. Cut 400 g garlic chives into small pieces. Add some salt, wait 10 minutes to squeeze out water. Add some oil to prevent water coming out. Add cooked eggs, salt, white pepper and mix them together. Then add another raw egg to bind them.
  4. Add some oil on the cutting board. Roll the dough into long log, then divide it into 12 pieces. Then roll them into small ball. Then flatten them to thin (not too thin) round disk shape. Put the fillings inside then fold them together.
  5. Heat the oil and brown each side for 1 minutes, flip and brown them until golden brow.
  1. 將 200 ml(0.7-0.85 杯)80°C (176°F) 水加入 300 公克(2.1 杯)中筋麵粉中,攪拌成小塊。
  2. 將 10 ml 油(0.04 杯,略少於 2 茶匙)加入麵粉混合物中,將麵團揉至光滑,用保鮮膜蓋住麵團。
  3. 準備韭菜餡:炒散 3 個蛋。油燒熱將雞蛋炒成小塊,放在一旁讓它冷卻。將400克韭菜切成小塊。加入少許鹽,等待10分鐘,瀝乾水分。然後加入一些油以防水流出。加入煮熟的雞蛋、鹽、白胡椒粉,攪拌均勻。然後添加另一個生雞蛋將它們粘合在一起。
  4. 在切菜板上抹一些油。將麵團擀成長條,再分成12份。然後將它們搓成小球。將球壓平成薄(不要太薄)的圓盤形狀。將餡料放入裡面,然後將它們折疊在一起。
  5. 將油加熱,將兩面煎至金黃色,然後翻面並煎至金黃色。

Notes/Tips 小撇步

  • This dough recipe can be used to make scallion pancakes.
  • 這個麵團配方有可用來做蔥油餅。

Recipe 食譜