Recipe: Shanghai Pan-fried Buns 上海生煎包

Original recipe link (原版食譜): 楊桃美食網 老師傅的生煎包

Ingredients 食材

  • Dough 麵糰材料:
    • 600 g all-purpose flour 中筋麵粉
    • 60 g sugar 糖
    • 6 g yeast 酵母
    • 300 cc water 水
  • Filling 內餡材料:
    • 1200 g minced pork 豬絞肉
    • 2 tsp salt 鹽
    • 2 tsp sugar 糖
    • 2 Tbsp soy sauce 醬油
    • 1 tsp white pepper 白胡椒粉
    • 20 g mince ginger 薑末
    • 60 g scallion 蔥花
    • 2 Tbsp sesame oil 香油
    • 2 Tbsp Shaoxing wine 紹興酒
    • 2 Tbsp tapioca starch 太白粉
    • 60 cc chicken stock 雞高湯

Instructions 作法

  1. Pour the minced pork into the mixing bowl, install the flat mixing paddle, add salt and turn to speed 3 and mix until it becomes sticky, then add sugar, soy sauce, and white pepper, mix well.
  2. While beating the meat filling, pour in Shaoxing wine and chicken stock until no liquids.
  3. Then add minced ginger, chopped scallions, tapioca starch and sesame oil, mix well, pour into a container and refrigerate for 30 minutes to allow the flavor to set.
  4. After cleaning the mixing bowl, pour in flour, yeast and water, install the dough hook, turn to speed 3 and mix until the dough surface is smooth and formed.
  5. Take out the dough, sprinkle flour on the work surface, and knead it slightly into a long shape. Cut it in half, and then cut it into small balls of 25 grams each. Sprinkle flour on the surface and cover it with a clean damp cloth or keep it fresh. Let the dough rest for about 20 minutes.
  6. Use a rolling pin to flatten the rested dough into a round shape, then scoop out a spoonful of about 25 grams of meat filling and wrap it up. Pinch it tightly with your hands to seal it and seam facing upwards. Sprinkle flour on the surface and let the pan-fried buns rise for about 10 minutes.
  7. Take the frying pan, pour oil into the pan, put the buns in, with the seam facing downwards, then pour oil and pour water to 1/4 of the fried buns, wait until the water boils, cover the pan and fry until the water dries up. Finally, sprinkle with toasted white sesame seeds and chopped green onion.
  1. 將豬絞肉倒入攪拌盆中,將平攪拌槳裝好,加入鹽巴並轉到3段速攪拌至有黏性(出現毛邊),再加入糖、醬油、白胡椒粉均勻打散。
  2. 邊打肉餡時邊倒入紹興酒與雞湯至水分收乾。
  3. 再加入薑末、蔥花、太白粉與香油拌勻,倒入容器放入冰箱冷藏30分鐘使之入味定型。
  4. 攪拌盆清洗乾淨後倒入麵粉、酵母與水,將麵糰勾裝好並裝上防潑透明罩、調至3速攪拌至麵糰表面光滑成型。
  5. 將麵糰取出,工作台上撒上麵粉,並稍微揉至長條形狀,用切刀切成兩半,再切成每等分25公克的小糰,表面上撒上麵粉蓋上乾淨溼布或保鮮膜讓麵糰靜置醒麵約20分鐘。
  6. 將醒好的麵糰用桿麵棍桿平成圓片,再舀一匙約25公克的肉餡包好,用手捏緊收口向上,表面撒上麵粉讓煎包醒發約10分鐘。
  7. 取煎鍋後鍋中倒入油,將煎包排入,收口向下,再淋上油並倒入水至煎包的1/4處,待水滾後蓋上鍋蓋煎至水分收乾後,撒上熟白芝麻與蔥花即可。

Recipe 食譜