Recipe: Steamed Chicken with Shaoxing Wine 紹興蒸雞飯

Original recipe link (原版食譜): Rosalina's Kitchen Chinese Steamed Chicken with Shaoxing wine

Ingredients 食材

  • 1 Chicken leg 雞腿
  • salt 鹽
  • white pepper 白胡椒粉
  • rice 米
  • 2-3 Scallions 蔥
  • 3-4 slices ginger 薑片
  • 50 ml Shaoxing wine 紹興酒
  • 300 ml water 水
  • 1 Tbsp Mirin 味醂
  • 1 Tbsp Soy Sauce 醬油
  • Some fried onion 油蔥酥

Instructions 作法

  1. Clean chicken leg, remove bone and padded dry. Add some salt and white pepper. Then massage the chicken. Let it sit for 15 minutes.
  2. Wash Rice. Soak for 30 minutes
  3. Cut scallions into small pieces. Place white part of scallion into pot, add ginger, wine and water. Put a steam rack on top. Put chicken leg on top of steam racke. Cover the pot. Use medium heat to steam for 20 minutes (after 5 minutes turn to low heat). Turn off heat at 20 minutes. Then let it sit in the pot (covered) for 8 minutes. Then take out chicken and let it cool. Then cover with wrap.
  4. Pour the chick juice (about 300 ml) from the pot into a bowl. Remove scallion and ginger. Add mirin and soy sauce. Taste and adjust the sauce accordingly. You can put it in the bowl with ice water to let it cool quicker.
  5. Add rice and chicken juice (1:1) into a pot. Use medium heat to cook. After boiling (about 5 minutes), then turn to lower heat, cook for 9 minutes. Turn off the heat. Let it sit for 15 minutes.
  6. Cut chicken into equal pieces.
  7. Put rice, chicken, vegetable on a plate, top with fried onion to serve.
  1. 雞腿洗淨,去骨,擦乾。加入一些鹽和白胡椒。然後按摩雞。靜置 15 分鐘。
  2. 洗米。 浸泡30分鐘
  3. 將蔥切成小塊。將蔥白部分放入鍋中,加入薑、料酒和水。在上面放一蒸架。將雞腿放在蒸架上。蓋鍋蓋。用中火蒸20分鐘(5分鐘後轉小火)。20分鐘後關火。 然後在鍋中靜置 8 分鐘(蓋上蓋子)。 之後取出雞肉並讓它冷卻。然後用保鮮膜蓋住。
  4. 將鍋中的雞汁(約300 ml)倒入碗中。去除蔥和薑。加入適量味醂和醬油調味。可以將其放入裝有冰水的碗中,以使其冷卻得更快。
  5. 將米和雞汁(1:1)放入鍋中。用中火煮。煮沸後(約5分鐘),然後轉小火,煮9分鐘。關掉火。然後靜置 15 分鐘。
  6. 將雞肉切成相等的塊狀。
  7. 將米、雞肉、蔬菜放在盤子上,上面放上油蔥酥即可食用。

Recipe 食譜