Recipe: Baked Scallion and Pork Stuffed Sesame Biscuit 蟹殼黃

Original recipe link (原版食譜): Carol 自在生活 蟹殼黃

Ingredients 食材 (for 12)

  • Scallion and pork stuffing 蔥肉餡
    • 120 g Scallion 青蔥
    • 100 g Fatty pork or Ground Pork 肥豬肉或絞肉
    • Seasoning:: 1/2 tsp salt 鹽,1/4 tsp white pepper 白胡椒粉
  • Shortcrust (20g/piece) 油皮麵皮(20g/個)
    • 130 g all purpose flour 中筋麵粉
    • 15 g powdered sugar 糖粉
    • 35 g Olive oil (or any liquid vegetable oil) 橄欖油或植物油
    • 65 g cold water 冷水
    • 1/4 tsp (1g) instant yeast 速發酵母
  • Puff pastry (15g/piece) 油酥麵皮 (15g/個)
    • 135 g cake flour 低筋麵粉
    • 45 g Olive oil (or any liquid vegetable oil) 橄欖油或植物油

Instructions 作法

  1. Scallion and ground pork stuffing: Chop the fatty pork (or ground pork) into a puree with a knife. Wash the Scallions and cut into fine pieces. Put all the ingredients into a bowl and mix well.
  2. Shortcrust: Put all ingredients in a big bowl and add cold water. Knead with your hands and knead for 5-6 minutes to form a smooth and soft dough. Cover the surface of the bowl with plastic wrap and let it rise for 1 hour.
  3. Puff pastry: Add olive oil to low-gluten flour, slowly knead the olive oil and flour mixture with your hands to form a shaggy dough, wrap it in plastic wrap and put it in the refrigerator for later use (you don’t need to knead it for too long to avoid the gluten from the flour.).
  4. Divide the shortcrust dough into 12 equal parts and shape into rounds.
  5. Take the puff pastry dough out of the refrigerator, roll it into a long strip, divide it into 12 equal parts, and roll the small dough into a round shape in the palm of your hand.
  6. Flatten and spread the dough with a rolling pin, with the smooth side outside, wrap it with a piece of puff pastry dough, tighten it into a round shape, and cover the surface with plastic wrap to prevent it from drying out.
  7. Slightly press the dough into an oval-shaped, with the smooth side down, roll it up from the short side, with the seam facing down, cover with plastic wrap and let the dough rest for 15 minutes.
  8. Shape the dough into a long shape, turn it over, roll it up from the short side, cover with plastic wrap and let the dough rest for another 15 minutes. The finished dough is puff pastry shortcrust dough.
  9. Place the rested puff pastry shortcrust dough with the seam facing up. Press down from the middle with your thumb, then fold the two ends toward the middle and pinch to flatten the dough. Roll the dough into a round slice about 3-3.5 inches (8-9 cm) in diameter, with the smooth side on the outside, and put appropriate scallion and ground pork filling in the middle. Pinch the dough tightly until it forms a round shape.
  10. Brush a layer of egg wash on top of the dough, and then dip it in a layer of white sesame seeds. Place evenly spaced into baking sheets.
  11. Bake in an oven preheated to 374° F (190° C) for 23-25 minutes, until the surface is golden brown.
  1. 蔥肉餡: 將肥豬肉用刀剁成泥狀。青蔥洗淨瀝乾水份,切成細蔥花。將所有材料放入盆中仔細混合均勻。
  2. 油皮麵皮: 所有材料放入盆中,加入冷水。用手搓揉攪拌 5-6 分鐘成為一個均勻柔軟的麵團。盆子表面封上保鮮膜或擰乾的濕布,發酵1個小時。
  3. 油酥麵皮: 將橄欖油加入低筋麵粉中,用手慢慢將橄欖油及麵粉搓揉成為一個均勻的麵團,包上保鮮膜放冰箱備用 (不需要搓揉過久,避免麵粉出筋影響口感)。
  4. 將發酵好的油皮麵皮平均分割成 12 等份,捏成圓形。
  5. 油酥麵皮由冰箱取出,搓成長條,平均分割成 12 等份,將小麵團在手心中滾成圓形。
  6. 將油皮麵皮壓扁桿開,光滑面在外,包上一個油酥麵皮,收口捏緊成圓形,表面罩上保鮮膜避免乾燥。
  7. 將包好油酥的麵團稍微壓一下橄成橢圓形薄片,光滑面在下,由短向捲起,收口朝下,蓋上保鮮膜讓麵團休息15分鐘。
  8. 將休息好的麵團橄成長形後翻面,由短向捲起,蓋上保鮮膜讓麵團休息 15 分鐘。完成的小麵團就是油皮油酥麵團。
  9. 休息完成的油皮油酥麵團收口朝上,用大姆指從中間壓下,2 端往中間折起捏一下,將麵團壓扁。將麵團橄成直徑約 3-3.5 英寸 (8-9 公分)圓形薄片,光滑面在外,中間放上適當蔥肉內餡。將麵團收口捏緊,成為一個圓形即可。
  10. 麵團上方刷上一層全蛋液,再沾上一層白芝麻。間隔整齊放入烤盤中。
  11. 放進已經預熱至華式 374 度 (攝氏 190 度) 的烤箱中烘烤 23-25 分鐘,至表面呈現金黃色即可。

Note: If using larified butter or lard to make puff pastry ingredients, the ingredients are as follows:
註: 若使用無水奶油或豬油來做酥皮材料份量如下:

  • Shortcrust (20g/piece) 油皮麵皮 (20g/個)
    • 125 g all purpose flour 中筋麵粉
    • 15 g powdered sugar 糖粉
    • 45 g clarified butter or lard 無水奶油或豬油
    • 55 g cold water 冷水
    • 1/4 tsp (1g) instant yeast 速發酵母
  • Puff pastry (15g/piece) 油酥麵皮 (15g/個)
    • 120 g Low-gluten flour 低筋麵粉
    • 60 g clarified butter or lard 無水奶油或豬油

Recipe 食譜