Words of the Day 今日經文
- 2020.06.24 Rest 安息
- 2020.06.25 Reset 重置
- 2020.06.26 Restart 重新啓動
- 2020.11.13 Seek the Lord 尋求神
- 2020.11.18 Seek and Find 尋找就尋見
- 2021.04.17 Peace of God 神所賜的平安的意念
- 2021.04.21 The beginning of faith is the end of anxiety 信心的開始就是焦急的結束
- 2021.04.24 Indecisive 猶豫不決
- 2021.04.27 Indecisive 猶豫不決
- 2021.04.28 Running into walls 碰壁
- 2021.04.29 Seize Opportunity 緊抓機會
- 2021.04.30 Self-fulfilling Prophecy 自我實現預言
- 2021.05.01 Dreams 夢想
- 2021.05.02 Renew Your Mind 更新變化心思意念
- 2021.05.03 You are what you eat 人如其食
- 2021.05.04 Guard your heart 保守你的心
- 2021.05.05 God is our refuge and strength 神是我們的避難所及力量
- 2021.10.13 Walk through the Valley of Baka 穿過流淚谷
- 2022.04.13 Salvation is by Faith, not by our good works 救贖是憑信,而不是憑我們的善行
- 2025.01.27 Let us love one another 我們應當彼此相愛
- 2025.01.28 May you be prosperous in the Year of the Snake 蛇麼都亨通
- 2025.01.29 Faith and Trials 信心與試煉
- 2025.03.03 Fears 恐懼