(This post was published on my old blog on May 1, 2021.)
(這篇貼文在 2021 年 05 月 01 日發表於我的舊部落格。)
I watched a documentary by Japanese director Ryo Takeuchi (竹内亮/たけうち りょう) called Approaching Daliang Mountain. It highlights the lives of ethnic minorities living in poverty in Sichuan Province, China. All the teachers in the documentary are volunteers. The children face many challenges if they want to improve their lives and get ahead. At the end of the film, Takeuchi asked the children if they had dreams. He told them that if they have a dream, they must speak it out loud to themselves and to others, as it can help them fulfill their dream. Sometimes, others might even be able to assist in making that dream a reality after hearing it. Do you have any dreams?
我看了一部由日本導演竹内亮(竹内亮/たけうち りょう )拍的紀錄片,【走近大梁山】。看到住在那裏(中國四川)的少數民族生活貧困,而且師資缺乏,全靠志工,小孩們要想改善生活,出人頭地,會面對許多的挑戰。在紀錄片的結尾,竹内亮問小朋友有沒有夢想,有夢想就必需講出來,常常說出這夢想,這樣夢想才比較容易實現,有時別人聽了你的夢想,也有可能幫助你完成你的夢想。你有什麼夢想嗎?
Joel 2:28
And afterward,
I will pour out my Spirit
on all people.
Your sons and daughters
will prophesy,
your old men will dream dreams,
your young men will see visions.
約珥書 2:28
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