Words of the Day: 2021.04.17 Peace of God 神所賜的平安的意念

Although this post was published on my old blog on April 17, 2021, these scriptures still calm my heart in today’s world situation and the fluctuations in U.S. domestic policies. Below is the content from the old post.
雖然這篇貼文在 2021 年 04 月 17 日發表於我的舊部落格,但是在今日的世界局勢及美國國內政策的波動中,這些經文還是很能安定我的心。以下是舊貼文的內容。

Although we have the opportunity to receive the COVID-19 vaccine in the United States, making an appointment is not an easy task. Sometimes, the process of scheduling an appointment can make people feel anxious and stressed. Even though we rarely go out, only visiting parks or going grocery shopping, we would feel more at ease if we could get vaccinated. So, we decided to sign up and wait for any leftover doses.

In this process, we couldn't directly make an appointment but had to wait for the pharmacy to call us when a leftover vaccine became available. After receiving our first shot, the pharmacy wouldn’t allow us to schedule the second shot, instead asking us to call back after two weeks. If there were any leftover vaccines available, we could then get on the waiting list.

This situation made my husband nervous because he tends to see the glass as half-empty. He actively searched for appointments within a few dozen miles of our house on the Internet, but finding one for the second shot wasn’t easy. After much effort, he finally booked an appointment an hour away. Two days later, he found another appointment half an hour away.

While he was searching, I told him that I wasn’t nervous at all and had a feeling that the pharmacy just five minutes away would call us. Sure enough, the nearby pharmacy called and offered us the second shot in two days. Thank you, Lord! This experience also made me feel so grateful that I can rely on God, who always provides for our needs and gives us peace and joy.

雖然在美國我們有機會接受COVID19的疫苗,但是要預約並不是一件容易的事,有時為了預約之事會搞得人心惶惶、緊張兮兮的。雖然平日我們極少出門,只在附近公園走走或買菜,但總覺得打了疫苗會心安些,於是我們就去登記排那種剩出多餘的疫苗,不能預約而是等藥店打電話通知我們有剩餘時,就去打,誰知打了第一針之後,藥店不讓我們預約第二針,要我們兩個多禮拜後再打電話尋問是否有剩餘的疫苗,然後登記在候補名單上。這下讓總是看半杯水空的先生緊張了,他在網上到處找離家方圓數十里之內的預約,但並不容易找到給第二 針的,他費了好大的心力找到離家一小時車程的地方,過兩天又找到離家半小時的地方,而我卻告訴他,我一點都不緊張,我內心有平安,我覺得離家五分鐘的藥房會打電話來,果真藥房打電話來了,讓我們過兩天去打第二針。感謝神!也更讓我覺得能信靠這位總是供應我們需要並賜平安喜樂的神,多好!

John 14:27
Peace I leave with you;
my peace I give you.
I do not give to you as the world gives.
Do not let your hearts be troubled
and do not be afraid.

Jeremiah 29:11-13
For I know the plans I have for you,
declares the Lord,
plans to prosper you and not to harm you,
plans to give you hope and a future.
Then you will call on me
and come and pray to me,
and I will listen to you.
You will seek me and find me
when you seek me with all your heart.

約翰福音 14:27

耶利米書 29:11-13

Words of the Day Posts 今日經文帖子