Plant: Borage (Borago officinalis) 琉璃苣

I have seen borage at the Huntington Library and the LA Arboretum. Borage is also known as a starflower. The vivid blue flowers with hairy stems are very interesting and cute. Both the leaves and flowers of borage can be eaten as a vegetable or used in beverages. It is also cultivated for medicinal uses and for oilseed.

Photo Date: 2022.01.06, 202.05.19 Location: Huntington Library, LA Arboretum

Notes 筆記

  • Borage, also known as starflower, is an annual herb in the flowering plant family Boraginaceae native to the Mediterranean region.
  • The flowers are five narrow, triangular-pointed petals. Flowers are most often blue. Pink as well as white flowered types are also cultivated.
  • Traditionally, borage was cultivated for culinary and medicinal uses, although today, commercial cultivation is mainly as an oilseed.
  • Borage is used as either a fresh vegetable or a dried herb. As a fresh vegetable, borage, with a cucumber-like taste, is often used in salads or as a garnish.
  • The flower has a sweet, honey-like taste and is often used to decorate desserts and cocktails, most commonly, frozen in ice cubes.
  • Traditionally, Borago has been used in hyperactive gastrointestinal (colic, cramps, diarrhea), respiratory (asthma, bronchitis) and cardiovascular disorders (cardiotonic, antihypertensive and blood purifier), urinary (diuretic and kidney/bladder disorders), and hormone problem.
  • 琉璃苣,又稱星花,是紫草科一年生草本植物,原產於地中海地區。
  • 花是五個狹窄的三角形尖瓣。 花通常是藍色的。也有粉紅色和白色花的種類。
  • 向來琉璃苣是被用於烹飪和藥用,但現在在商業上種植主要是為提煉種油。
  • 琉璃苣可拿來當作新鮮蔬菜或乾香草。作為一種新鮮蔬菜,琉璃苣有黃瓜般的味道,常用於沙拉或當配菜。
  • 這種花有甜美的蜂蜜味,常用於裝飾甜點和雞尾酒,最常見的是冷凍在冰塊中。
  • 按慣例琉璃苣是用來治療胃腸道(絞痛、痙攣、腹瀉)、呼吸系統(哮喘、支氣管炎)、心血管疾病(強心劑、抗高血壓和血液淨化劑), 泌尿系統(利尿劑和腎臟/膀胱疾病)和激素問題。

References 參考資料

Plants Posts 植物的帖子