Plant: Indian blanket (Gaillardia pulchella) 天人菊

I went for a walk on 2022.05.03 at Encanto Park, City of Duarte. I saw these brightly colored daisy-like Indian blanket flowers in mixed shades of red, orange, and yellow. It is native to northern Mexico and the southern and central United States. The flower has also been introduced to the Penghu Islands in Taiwan, where it is the County Flower of Penghu County. Indian blanket was the state flower of Oklahoma in 1986. In 2004 Oklahoma rose was named as Oklahoma's official state flower.
我於 2022 年 5 月 3 日在杜阿爾特市的奇幻魔法屋公園散步。我看到了這些色彩鮮豔的雛菊般的天人菊,有紅色、橙色和黃色的混合色調。原產於墨西哥北部和美國南部和中部。此花也被引進台灣澎湖列島,成為澎湖縣的縣花。1986 年天人菊是俄克拉荷馬州的州花。2004 年,俄克拉荷馬玫瑰被命名為俄克拉荷馬州的州花。

Photo Date: 2022.05.03 Location: Encanto Park, City of Duarte

Notes 筆記

  • Gaillardia pulchella (firewheel, Indian blanket, Indian blanketflower, or sundance) is a North American species of short-lived perennial or annual flowering plants in the sunflower family.
  • The pinwheel, daisy-like inflorescences are 4–6.5 cm in diameter, vividly colored with red, orange and yellow and is surrounded by 10 to 20 ray florets up to 2 cm; the ligule has three lobes.
  • It is native to northern Mexico and the southern and central United States from Arizona east to Florida and the Carolinas and north as far as Nebraska.
  • The plant generally lives in the sandy plains and deserts of the south of the North American continent.
  • The flower has also been introduced to the Penghu (Pescadores) Islands in Taiwan, where it is the County Flower of Penghu County. It is called tiānrén jú (天人菊; "tianren daisy") in Chinese.
  • The plant is a larval host to the bordered patch butterfly (Chlosyne lacinia) and the painted schinia moth (Schinia volupia), which feed upon its foliage.
  • Indian blanket was the state wildflower of Oklahoma in 1986. In 2004 Oklahoma rose was named as Oklahoma's official state flower.
  • 天人菊(又名虎皮菊、老虎皮菊(上海)、中心菊、矢車天人菊)是北美一種向日葵科的生長期很短的一年生植物。
  • 風車狀雛菊狀花序直徑為 4-6.5 厘米,色彩鮮豔,有紅色、橙色和黃色,周圍環繞著 10 到 20 朵長達 2 厘米的舌狀小花;葉舌有三裂。
  • 它原產於墨西哥北部和美國南部和中部,從亞利桑那州東部到佛羅倫薩和卡羅來納州,向北到內布拉斯加州。
  • 這種植物一般生長在北美大陸南部的沙質平原和沙漠中。
  • 此花也被引進台灣澎湖列島,成為澎湖縣的縣花。它的中文名稱是天人菊。
  • 這種植物是巢蛺蝶屬 (Chlosyne lacinia) 和興夜蛾屬 (Schinia volupia) 的幼蟲寄主,它們以其葉子為食。
  • 1986 年天人菊是俄克拉荷馬州的州花。2004 年,俄克拉荷馬玫瑰被命名為俄克拉荷馬州的州花。

References 參考資料

Plants Posts 植物的帖子