Bladderpod is not an eye-catching plant, I noticed its inflated seed pods, which is very interesting. It was even more interesting when I learned that its common name came from these pods. It is native to southern California and Baja California. It has yellow flowers in bloom all months of the year.
Bladderpod 不是一種很起眼的植物,我注意到它膨脹的豆莢 ,很有意思。當我得知它的俗名是因這豆莢而來,更覺得有趣。它原產於南加州和下加利福尼亞州。 一年四季都開黃色花。
Photo Date: 2021.04.18 Location: Peck Road Park
Notes 筆記
- Cleomella arborea is a perennial shrub or bush in the spiderflower family (Cleomaceae) known by the common names bladderpod, bladderpod spiderflower and burro-fat.
- It has yellow flowers in bloom all months of the year. It emits a foul odor to discourage herbivory from insects. Flowers are followed by conspicuous leathery, inflated seed pods, which hang from the branch ends and give the plant its common name.
- Bladderpod is commonly found along roadsides, desert dry washes, and flat areas up to 4,200 feet (1,300 m), in the western Mojave Desert and Colorado Desert to Baja California Peninsula.
- Cleomella arborea 是醉蝶花科的一種多年生灌木,俗稱 bladderpod,bladderpod spiderflower 和 burro-fat。
- 一年四季都開黃色花。 它散發出難聞的氣味,以防止昆蟲食用。花後會長出顯眼的革質膨脹種子莢,這些種子莢懸掛在樹枝的末端,這種植物因此而得俗名。
- Bladderpod 通常在莫哈维沙漠西部和科羅拉多沙漠至下加利福尼亞半島的路邊、沙漠乾河床,以及長達4,200英尺(1,300 公尺)的平坦區域可看到它們。
References 參考資料
- Wikipedia: Cleomella arborea
Plants Posts 植物的帖子