Plant: Bougainvillea 九重葛

The bright and spectacular colors of bougainvillea always give me a feeling of joy and excitement. Even the color of white also gives me a warm and soft feeling. It can be used as a climbing vine, climbing on a wall or fence; or planted in a flower pot; some people use it as a ground cover.

Photo Date: Various Location: LA County

Notes 筆記

  • Bougainvillea is a genus of thorny ornamental vines, bushes, and trees. The inflorescence consists of large colorful sepal-like bracts which surround three simple waxy flowers. The colors include pink, magenta, purple, red, orange, white, or yellow.
  • Bougainvillea glabra is sometimes called “paper flower” because its bracts are thin and papery. The fruit is a narrow five-lobed achene.
  • Bougainvillea are popular ornamental plants in most areas with warm climates, such as Florida and South Carolina, and across the Mediterranean Basin.
  • Many of today’s bougainvillea are the result of interbreeding among only three out of the eighteen South American species recognized by botanists. Currently, there are over 300 varieties of bougainvillea around the world. Because many of the hybrids have been crossed over several generations, it is difficult to identify their respective origins.
  • They tend to flower all year round in equatorial regions. Elsewhere, they are seasonal, with bloom cycles typically four to six weeks.
  • The sap of bougainvillea can cause serious skin rashes, similar to Toxicodendron species.
  • 九重葛屬是一種帶刺的觀賞藤本植物、灌木和樹木。花序由大型、色彩鮮豔的萼片狀苞片組成,苞片環繞著三朵簡單的蠟質花。顏色包括粉紅色、洋紅色、紫色、紅色、橙色、白色或黃色。通稱葉子花、九重葛、三角梅、簕杜鵑、毛寶巾、南美紫茉莉等。
  • 光葉子花 (又名小葉九重葛、簕杜鵑、寶巾、三角梅、紫三角、紫亞蘭、三角花等) 有時被稱為“紙花”,因為其片薄如紙質。 果實是狹窄的五瓣瘦果。
  • 九重葛在大部份氣候溫暖的地區(如佛羅裡達州和南卡羅來納州)和整個地中海盆地,都是很流行的觀賞植物。
  • 今天的許多種九重葛,是來自植物學家認可的18種南美物種中的3種雜交的結果。目前世界上有超過 300 個九重葛變種。由於許多變種已經跨越了幾代,因此很難確定它們各自的起源。
  • 九重葛往往在赤道地區終年開花。而在其他地方,它們是季節性的,開花週期通常為四到六週。
  • 九重葛的汁液會引起嚴重的皮疹,類似於毒葛種引起的皮疹。

References 參考資料

Plants Posts 植物的帖子