Travel/POI: Zion National Park (錫安國家公園), Utah - Zion Lodge, Grotto, Zion–Mount Carmel Highway, Canyon Overlook
Zion National Park Introduction Post 錫安國家公園簡介的帖子
The fifth stop: Zion Lodge is located in the heart of Zion Canyon. It offers a variety of accommodations and is the only place inside the park to lodge and purchase food. It was designed by Gilbert Stanley Underwood in 1923 and completed in May of 1925. The structures were built with whole logs in a “studs-out” style and with less stonework than other national park buildings. The main lodge building stood for over forty years until it was consumed by a fire on January 26, 1966. A mere 108 days after the fire, a new prefabricated building was up and operating. From the lodge you can walk to the trailhead for the Emerald Pools, Sand Beach, Angels Landing, and Grotto.
第五站: 錫安小屋位於錫安峽谷的中心。這裡提供各種住宿,是園區內唯一可以住宿和購買食物的地方。它由吉爾伯特·斯坦利·安德伍德 (Gilbert Stanley Underwood) 於 1923 年設計,於1925年5月竣工。這些建築採用「突出」風格的整根原木建造,比其他國家公園建築使用更少的石材。旅館主樓矗立了四十多年,直到1966年1月26日被一場大火燒毀。火災發生後僅108天,一座新的預製建築就建成並開始使用。從旅館出發,您可以步行至翡翠池、沙灘、天使降臨之頂和石窟步道起點。

The sixth stop: the Grotto. You can access the following trails from here: The Grotto, Kayenta, West Rim, Angels Landing. We originally wanted to take the Emerald Pool Trail at Zion Lodge, but the trail was closed, so we decided to take the half-mile Grotto Trail from here to Zion Lodge. The trail is almost completely level and is a short and pleasant stroll.
第六站:石窟步道。您可以從這裡進入以下步道:石窟、Kayenta、西峡谷 (West Rim)、天使降臨之頂。我們原本想在錫安小屋走翡翠池步道,但是步道關了,我們就決定從這裏走半英里的石窟步道到錫安小屋。這條步道幾乎完全是平的,是個短而輕鬆的散步。

The seventh stop: Weeping Rock and the eighth stop: Big Bend. I don’t have any special photos of these two stops, only a few photos taken on the shuttle bus.

We were preparing to leave the park, driving on Zion–Mount Carmel Highway toward Canyon Overlook.

Canyon Overlook is a moderate, 1 mi (1.6 km) trail on the East Side of Zion. At the end of the trail, it opens up to a great viewpoint looking into the Zion Canyon with excellent views of the Towers of the Virgin. (The peaks of the Towers of the Virgin (from south to northeast) include: The Sundial, The Witch Head, Broken Tooth, Rotten Tooth, Altar of Sacrifice, Meridian Tower, Bee Hive, and The Sentinel. ) Although it is only a 1.0-mile out-and-back trail, with 187 ft elevation gain it will give you a good workout.
Canyon Overlook 是位於錫安公園東側、全長1英里(1.6公里)的中等難度步道。在步道的盡頭,有一個絕佳的觀景台,可以俯瞰錫安峽谷,並欣賞Towers of the Virgin的美景。雖然它只是一條 1.0 英里的往返步道,但海拔增益有 187 英尺,所以不太輕鬆,會運動到。

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References 參考資料
- National Park Service: Zion Lodge
- Utah National Park Trips: Stay at Zion Lodge Inside the Park
- National Park Service: The Grotto