Travel/POI: Bryce Canyon National Park (布萊斯峽谷國家公園), Utah - Inspiration Point, Bryce Point

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The viewpoint at Inspiration Point consists of three levels that provide varied spectacular perspectives of the Bryce Amphitheater. At the barren slopes of Inspiration Point you can see a mix of trees including Bristlecone Pines. We climbed all the way up to the upper inspirational point. This is a 0.6-mile out-and-back trail with 134 ft elevation gain. The view was spectacular. You won’t regret climbing up here.
靈感點 (Inspiration Point) 有三個不同高度的觀景台,可以從不同角度欣賞布萊斯圓形露天劇場 (Bryce Amphitheatre) 的壯觀景色。在靈感點的貧瘠山坡上,您可以看到包括狐尾松 (Bristlecone Pines) 在內的許多種樹木。我們一路攀登到了靈感點的最高點,這是一條 0.6 英里長的折返步道,海拔增益為134英尺。景色非常壯觀,你不會後悔爬上來的。

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Photo Date: 2023.09.18 Location: Inspiration Point

Bryce Point is the most iconic of the park's viewpoints. It provides a soaring view of the Bryce Amphitheater from the south. Bryce Amphitheater contains the world's greatest concentration of irregular rock spires called "hoodoos". There is a Southern Paiute word for "scary" or "spirit" pronounced "oo'doo", which has been associated with this place. A sacred oral tradition of the Southern Paiute states that these hoodoos are ancient “Legend People” turned into stone by the trickster god Coyote as a punishment for bad deeds. The view and the park share the same namesake, Ebenezer Bryce, who settled in the Paria Valley to the east in 1870. Bryce lived here for only five years, but in that time, the canyon that a timber road he built travelled into became known as "Bryce's canyon" to the people who knew him. Ebenezer Bryce was a pragmatic man, constructing roads to facilitate lumber transport and surveying the route for a 10-mile irrigation ditch from the top of the plateau to the valley that would later lead to larger, more permanent settlements. Bryce Point is famous for its extraordinary sunrises. From here you can watch the tops of hoodoos set alight as if by fire from the first rays of the rising sun. Like fire, the orange light quickly spreads driving shadows from all but the deepest recesses of the amphitheater. There are two trails at Bryce Point, the 5.5 mile (8.9 km) Peekaboo Loop and 4.0 mile (6.4 km) Hat Shop trails descend below the rim. Both of these are strenuous hikes. We did not hike on the trail. We just looked around at the view point.
布萊斯點 (Bryce Point) 是園區中最具代表性的觀景點。從這裡可以從南面欣賞布萊斯露天劇場的壯麗景色。布萊斯露天劇場有世界上最集中的不規則尖頂岩石,稱為「岩柱」("hoodoos")。派尤特 (Paiute) 南部有一個詞,意思是“可怕”或“幽靈”,發音為“oo'doo”,與這個地方有關。南派尤特人宗教口述的傳說稱這些圆柱岩石(不祥之物)是古代“傳說人物”,他們是被詭計多端的土狼神變成石頭,以懲罰他們的惡行。這個景觀與公園同名,埃比尼澤·布萊斯(Ebenezer Bryce)於1870年在東部的帕里亞山谷(Paria Valley) 定居。布萊斯在這裡雖然只住了五年,但在那時他建造的一條木路所經過的峽谷,就被認識他的人稱為「布萊斯峽谷」。埃比尼澤·布萊斯是一位務實的人,他修建道路以方便木材運輸,並勘測了從高原頂部到山谷的10英里灌溉溝渠的路線,這條溝渠後來有助于更大、更長久的定居點。布萊斯點以其非凡的日出而聞名。從這裡您可以看到岩柱的頂部被初升的第一縷旭日點燃,就像被火焰點燃一樣。橘红色的光芒像火一樣迅速蔓延,除了圓形劇場的最深處外,其他地方陰影被驅逐而散。布萊斯點這裡有兩條步道,分别是往下的5.5英里(8.9公里)的躲躲貓環形步道 (Peekaboo Loop) 和4.0英里(6.4公里)的帽店 (Hat Shop) 步道,這兩條都是費力難走的健行步道。我們沒有在這裏健行,只是在觀景點周圍看了看。

Photo Date: 2023.09.18 Location: Bryce Point

Paria View is a good spot for sunset pictures. Here one prominent and photogenic castle-like hoodoo rises high above the canyon floor to absorb the last rays of the setting sun. Paria is a Paiute word meaning "water with elk" or "water with mud". The translation varies depending on context and season. Paria View is also a good place to watch for Peregrine Falcons. Mule Deer and occasionally Elk can be seen here.
帕里亞景觀 (Paria View) 是拍攝日落的好地方。在這裡一座引人注目又上鏡的城堡般的岩柱,高高地聳立在峽谷底部,吸收著落日的最後一抹餘暉。帕里亞 (Paria) 是派尤特 (Paiute) 語,意思是「有麋鹿的水」或「有泥的水」,翻譯根據上下文和季節而有所不同。帕里亞景觀也是觀賞遊隼的好地方。這裡可以看到騾鹿,偶爾還能看到麋鹿。

Photo Date: 2023.09.18 Location: Paria View

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Photo Date: 2017.09.17 Location: Inspiration Point, Bryce Point

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