Travel/POI: Coral Pink Sand Dunes State Park 珊瑚粉紅沙丘州立公園, Utah USA

Coral Pink Sand Dunes State Park is located in southwestern Utah. The park features uniquely pink-hued sand dunes which are formed from the erosion of pink-colored Navajo Sandstone surrounding the park. Changed by winds, these mountains and hills of sand can move as much as 50 feet per year. The dunes are estimated to be between 10,000 and 15,000 years old. Park is open year-round, seven days a week, during daylight hours. The dunes offer a variety of adventure activities. All of the dunes are open for hiking and kid-friendly playing. Walking on soft sand with strong winds is not an easy task, but the experience of walking in the desert is quite special. About 90-percent of the dunes are open for off-highway vehicles (OHV), a popular park attraction. We didn’t see anyone riding OHV this time (2023). In 2019, we saw people riding OHV up and down the dunes, which was fun. Renting a sand board for sand sledding is also a fun thing to do. Guided tours are available from All Ways Adventures (rappelling / rock climbing) and Coral Pink ATV Tours. The park also features two campgrounds with hot showers and flush toilets. Advance camping reservations are recommended.
珊瑚粉紅沙丘州立公園位於猶他州西南部。公園有獨特的粉紅色沙丘,這些沙丘是由公園周圍粉紅色納瓦霍(Navajo)砂岩的侵蝕而形成的。由於風的變化,這些沙山和沙丘每年移動多達 50 英尺。據估計,這些沙丘已有 10,000 至 15,000 年的歷史。公園全年開放,每週 7 天白天開放。沙丘提供各種冒險活動。整個沙丘都開放供健行和兒童玩耍。走在細軟的沙上,再加上狂風吹起,氣喘吁吁,不是一件輕鬆的事,但是這種在大沙漠走路的感覺及經歷是頗特別的。大約 90% 的沙丘開放給越野車 (OHV)行駛 ,非常受歡迎。我們這次 (2023年) 沒看到有人玩越野車,2019年看到有人騎越野車爬上爬下沙丘,很好玩的樣子。租用沙板來滑沙也是一項有趣的活動。All Ways Adventures(繞繩垂降/攀岩)和 Coral Pink ATV Tours 都有提供導覽的服務。公園還設有兩個露營地,有熱水淋浴和抽水馬桶。建議提前預訂露營

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Rough Mulesears plant (Wyethia cabra attenuata)
Rough Mulesears plant Yucca
Photo Date: 2023.09.21 Location: Coral Pink Sand Dunes State Park

Flashback 回顧

Photo Date: 2019.11.20 Location: Coral Pink Sand Dunes State Park

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