Travel/POI: Grand Canyon National Park North Rim (大峽谷國家公園北緣), Arizona - Grand Canyon Lodge, Bright Angel Point, Point Imperial, Vista Encantada, Walhalla Overlook, Cape Royal

Grand Canyon National Park, located in northwestern Arizona on the ancestral homeland of 11 Associated Tribes, encompasses 278 miles (447 km) of the Colorado River and adjacent uplands. It is valued for its combination of size, depth, and exposed layers of colorful rocks. It became well known to Americans in the 1880s after railroads were built and pioneers developed infrastructure and early tourism. 1893 Designated a "forest reserve" by President Benjamin Harrison. 1908 Established as Grand Canyon National Monument by President Theodore Roosevelt. 1919 Designation of Grand Canyon National Park by an act of Congress. 1979 Designation as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO (The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization). The park celebrated its 100th anniversary on February 26, 2019. The primary public areas of the park are the South and North Rims. The South Rim is more accessible than the North Rim and accounts for 90% of park visitation. The rest of the park is extremely rugged and remote. Since we stayed at Kanab, Utah and the driving time from the South Rim to the North Rim is about 4.5 hours (over 220 miles), we visited the North Rim. The North Rim is higher in elevation than the South Rim, at over 8,000 feet (2,400 m) of elevation so it is closed from December 1 through May 15 each year, due to the enhanced snowfall at elevation.
大峽谷國家公園位於亞利桑那州西北部,是11個相關部落的祖先故鄉,涵蓋278英里(447公里)的科羅拉多河和鄰近的高地。它因其規模、深度和裸露的彩色岩石層而有名。1880年代鐵路建成、拓荒者開發基礎設施和早期旅遊業發展之後,它成為美國人眾所周知之地。1893年哈里森 (Benjamin Harrison) 總統劃定為「森林保護區」。1908年羅斯福 (Theodore Roosevelt) 總統將其設立為大峽谷國家紀念碑。1919年國會法案將其劃定為大峽谷國家公園。1979年被聯合國教科文組織(聯合國教育、科學及文化組織)劃定為世界遺產。公園於2019年2月26日慶祝成立100週年。公園的主要區是南緣和北緣。南緣比北緣更容易到,佔公園遊客量的90%。公園的其餘部分極其崎嶇且偏遠。由於我們這次旅行以猶他州卡納布 (Kanab) 為定點,從南緣到北緣的行車時間約為4.5小時(超過220英里)所以我們到北緣遊覽。北緣海拔高於南緣,海拔超過8,000英尺(2,400公尺),因為在這海拔高度降雪量會增加,因此每年12月1日至5月15日會關閉。

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Photo Date: 2023.09.20 Location: North Rim Visitor Center

The Grand Canyon Lodge, the only North Rim in-park lodging, is situated at Bright Angel Point inside Grand Canyon National Park on the North Rim. The longstanding history of the lodge was recognized in 1987 when it was declared a National Historic Landmark. The lodge sits on the canyon's edge with sweeping views across the great gap of the Grand Canyon.
大峽谷旅館是北緣唯一的公園內住宿,位於北緣大峽谷國家公園內的光明天使點 (Bright Angel Point)。旅館的悠久歷史於1987年被宣佈為國家歷史地標。旅館坐落在峽谷邊緣,可以將大峽谷巨大落差的峽谷一覽無遺。

Photo Date: 2023.09.20 Location: Grand Canyon Lodge

Not to be confused with the Bright Angel Point Trail, the Bright Angel Trail is 8 or 9.9 miles long and starts on the South Rim. Bright Angel Point Trail begins on the Bridle Path behind the North Rim Visitor Center, or from the Grand Canyon Lodge veranda. Below the lodge, from the junction of the Transept Trail and Bridle Path, it is a 0.5 mile (0.8 km) round-trip walk which usually takes at least 30 minutes to complete. This narrow, paved path provides spectacular views of the dramatic effect that the Grand Canyon has on its surroundings. Some sections of the trail are quite narrow, with an abyss and canyon on one side and no railings, making me feel a bit nervous.
不要將光明天使點步道 (Bright Angel Point Trail) 與光明天使步道 (Bright Angel Trail) 混淆,光明天使步道長8或9.9英里,起點位於南緣。光明天使點步道始於北緣遊客中心後面的馬道 (Bridle Path),或從大峽谷旅館陽台開始。在旅館下方從 Transept Trail 和 Bridle Path 的交匯處開始,有0.5英里(0.8公里)的往返步行路程,通常至少需要30分鐘才能走完。這條狹窄的鋪砌小徑可以欣賞到大峽谷的壯麗景色。有些路段相當狹窄,一邊是深淵峽谷又沒欄桿,走起來令人有些緊張。

Oza butte Oza butte
Oza Butte Across The Transept Zoroaster Temple at the far left
Photo Date: 2023.09.20 Location: Bright Angel Point Trail

On the way to Point Imperial.

Point Imperial is the highest point on the rim of the Grand Canyon at 8,803 feet (2,683 m) and also the most northern boundary of the park. Overlooks the Painted Desert, Marble Canyon, and eastern Grand Canyon.
帝國角 (Point Imperial) 是大峽谷邊緣的最高點,海拔 8,803 英尺(2,683 公尺),也是公園的最北邊。俯瞰彩繪沙漠 (Painted Desert)、大理石峽谷 (Marble Canyon) 和東部大峽谷。

Photo Date: 2023.09.20 Location: Point Imperial
Mount Hayden Erigeron speciosus (Showy Fleabane)

Continue driving on Cape Royal Road to Vista Encantada which offers a nice frame of Brady Peak.
繼續沿著皇家角路 (Cape Royal Road) 行駛至恩坎塔達美景 (Vista Encantada),可以欣賞到布雷迪峰 (Brady Peak) 的美麗景色。

Photo Date: 2023.09.20 Location: Vista Encantada
Brady Peak

From Walhalla Overlook, you can see Echo Cliffs and the Painted Desert in the distance. The Little Colorado River Gorge can also be seen. It provides a stunning view of the Unkar Delta. This delta of the Colorado River was farmland for the ancient Puebloans. Across the road, you can walk to Walhalla Glades Pueblo, an Ancestral Puebloan dwelling that is about 1000 years old.
瓦爾哈拉觀景台 (Walhalla Overlook)上,您可以看到遠處的迴聲懸崖 (Echo Cliffs) 和彩繪沙漠。還可以看到小科羅拉多河峽谷。在此可看到翁卡三角洲 (Unkar Delta) 的壯麗景色。 科羅拉多河的這個三角洲是古代普韋布洛人 (Puebloans) 的農田。穿過馬路,可以步行前往瓦爾哈拉林間空地村落 (Walhalla Glades Pueblo),這是一座約 1000 年歷史的普韋布洛祖先的住宅。

Photo Date: 2023.09.20 Location: Walhalla Overlook

Cape Royal is a 7,880+-cliff-elevation summit. It is the southernmost viewpoint on the North Rim (15 miles from the north rim visitor center at Bright Angel Point), and it has the widest panorama of any Grand Canyon overlook - the great gorge occupies about 270° of the horizon, from Marble Canyon in the north, south over Palisades of the Desert, and westwards for many miles towards the main South Rim visitor area around Garden Creek. Cape Royal Trail is a one mile out and back walk to Cape Royal overlook. It is a relatively flat, easy trail. Angel's Window is a unique landscape feature along the Cape Royal trail. It is a natural arch in the Kaibab limestone. Visitors can walk across the top of the arch to a viewpoint as well as look through the window of the arch to view the Colorado River in the Grand Canyon.
皇家角 (Cape Royal) 是一座海拔 7,880 多公尺的懸崖頂峰。它是北緣最南端的觀景點 (距離 Bright Angel Point 北緣遊客中心 15 英里),擁有所有大峽谷觀景台中最廣闊的全景- 大峽谷佔據地平線約 270°,從北部的大理石峽谷開始,向南越過沙漠帕利塞德 (Palisades of the Desert),向西延伸數英里,到達花園溪 (Garden Creek) 周圍的主要南緣遊客區。皇家角步道 (Cape Royal Trail) 是一條通往皇家角觀景台的一英里往返步道。這是一條相對平坦、輕鬆的步道。天使之窗 (Angel's Window) 是皇家角步道沿途的獨特景觀。它是凱巴布 (Kaibab) 石灰岩中的一個天然拱門。遊客可以步行穿過拱門頂部到觀景點,也可以透過拱門的窗口觀看大峽谷中的科羅拉多河。

Photo Date: 2023.09.20 Location: Cape Royal
Angel's Window
Angel's Window
Freya Castle and Vishnu Temple
Wotans Throne Vishnu Temple
Pinyon pine
Cliffrose Indian Paintbrush

Flashback 回顧

If I remember correctly, in 1997 the Bright Angel Point Trail left a deep impression on us with its narrow, unpaved dirt path, no railings, and a deep canyon on one side. I think we were so scared and we only walked a few steps and then turned around.
如果我沒記錯的話,1997 年光明天使點步道狹窄、未鋪砌的泥石路、沒有欄桿、一側的又是很深的峽谷……給我們留下了深刻的印象。我想我們當時太害怕了,只走了幾步就轉身了。

Photo Date: 1997.07

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