Travel/POI: Lower Antelope Canyon (下羚羊峽谷), Arizona

Antelope Canyon was formed by the millions of years of erosion of Navajo Sandstone due to flash flooding and other sub-aerial processes. Rainwater, especially during monsoon season, runs into the extensive basin above the slot canyon sections, picking up speed and sand as it rushes into the narrow passageways. Over time the passageways eroded away, deepening the corridors and smoothing hard edges to form characteristic "flowing" shapes. Antelope Canyon is part of the Lake Powell Navajo Tribal Park, located 10 minutes east of Page, near the Arizona-Utah border. Although it is one slot canyon, there are two points within the park that you can visit: Upper Antelope Canyon and Lower Antelope Canyon. But, You need a prior reservation with an authorized Navajo guide to visit either Upper or Lower Antelope Canyon. Antelope Canyon is open year-round; however, most people will try to visit mid-day during weekends from March through October, when the light shafts appear and have better photographs. Crowds will be at their peak then. Making reservations early is recommended. Though uncommon, Antelope Canyon may close during days of heavy rain or snow. This is more likely to happen from June to September, during Arizona's monsoon season. So check the weather report before booking your tickets. We went to Lower Antelope Canyon three times, in 2017, 2019 and 2023. Although I have been here three times, I still love it every time.
羚羊峽谷是納瓦霍 (Navajo) 砂岩在山洪暴發和其他地面上的過程,經過數百萬年的侵蝕而形成的。特別是在季風季節,雨水會流入狹縫型峽谷地段上方的大盆地,在衝入狹窄的通道時會加快速度和增加沙子。經過一段時間,這些通道逐漸被侵蝕,走廊的深度被加深,堅硬的邊緣也被磨平了,而形成了特有的“流動垂下”形狀。它是鮑威爾湖納瓦霍部落公園 (Lake Powell Navajo Tribal Park) 的一部分,位於佩吉 (Page) 以東10分鐘路程處,靠近亞利桑那州和猶他州邊境。雖然是一個狹縫型峽谷,但公園內有兩個景點可以參觀:上羚羊峽谷 (Upper Antelope Canyon) 和下羚羊峽谷 (Lower Antelope Canyon)。但是你必需預先向授過權的納瓦霍導遊預訂票,才能參觀上羚羊峽谷或下羚羊峽谷。羚羊峽谷全年開放,不過大多數人都會盡量在3月到10月的中午前往,因為那時會出現光軸,拍照效果更好,尤其是周末人潮擁擠,建議儘早預訂票。有時羚羊峽谷在暴雨或大雪天時可能會關閉,但這種情況並不常見,這種情況很有可能發生在6月到9月亞利桑那州的季風季節。所以在預訂票之前查一下氣象報告。我們三次都是去下羚羊峽谷,2017, 2019及2023。雖然去過三次,但是每一次都還是非常喜愛這裏。

Photo Date: 2023.09.17 Location: Page, Arizona

Flashback 回顧

Upper Antelope Canyon is in the shape of the letter "A" where the canyon has a narrow opening at the top and the walls widen toward the bottom. Tour guides drive visitors about 3.5 miles down a sandy road to the entrance and guests walk right into the canyon. People visiting Lower Antelope Canyon park in a lot about 10 minutes away from the canyon and walk with their guide to the entrance. Visitors climb down several ladders to the bottom of the canyon to start the tour and climb back out at the end. This canyon has the opposite shape of a "V" with the canyon walls opening wider at the top of the canyon and tapering down at the ground. Lower Antelope Canyon has one-way traffic with visitors entering at one end and leaving at the other. Upper Antelope Canyon has two-way traffic. General tours usually are cheaper and shorter than photography tours. Tour rules might be changed so check on the tour group website before you go. For instance, you are not allowed to bring any bags due to vandalizing concerns in 2023 (The tour guide said that there was a person(s) who had hidden spray paint in bags to paint graffiti, and a person(s) who had brought ashes to scatter.) and this rule does not apply in 2017 or 2019. We have used both Ken's Tours Lower Antelope Canyon and Dixie's Lower Antelope Canyon Tours. In 2017 the tour costs about $33 per person for Lower canyon and it costs about $63 per person in 2023. The price needs to add taxes and additional handling fees. From the pictures taken in 2017 below, you can also see how crowded it can be in the canyon. According to the tour guide, since tour group buses are now allowed to carry passengers to visit, there will be more crowds. So, you need to book tickets as early as possible to choose the time period you want to go.
上羚羊峽谷呈字母"A"形,峽谷頂部開口狹窄,峽谷壁的底部變寬,導遊會開車帶遊客沿著沙路行駛3.5英里到達入口,然後遊客直接走進峽谷。而參觀下羚羊峽谷公園的遊客則可在距離峽谷約10分鐘路程的地方,隨導遊的帶領步行至入口處。遊客從幾個梯子爬下到峽谷底部開始遊覽,最後再爬出來。下羚羊峽谷呈相反的“V”形,峽谷壁在峽谷頂部開口較寬,在底部逐漸變窄。下羚羊峽谷是單向行,遊客從一端進入,從另一端出來。上羚羊峽谷則是雙向行。通常一般旅遊團比攝影旅遊團價錢便宜而且時間短。另外參觀規則可能會改變,所以出發前請先查看旅遊團網站。例如由於擔心破壞,2023年規定不準攜帶任何(不論大小)袋子(導遊說因為曾經有人在袋子裏藏了噴漆去塗鴉,也有人帶骨灰去撒),但是在2017年和2019年並沒有這個規定。我們參加過肯的 (Ken) 下羚羊峽谷之旅和迪克西 (Dixie) 的下羚羊峽谷旅遊團。2017年下峽谷的旅遊費用約為每人33美元,2023年每人費用漲到63美元。這價格還需要加上稅金和額外的手續費。從下面2017年拍攝的照片中,也可以看到峽谷裡有多擁擠,據導遊說,由於現在準許旅行團大巴士載客來參觀,人潮會更多,所以要儘早預訂票才能選到想要去的時段。

Photo Date: 2017.09.18 Location: Page, Arizona

We visited Lower Antelope Canyon again on November 18, 2019 with my husband's high school friends and their spouse. The cost is about $48 per person plus additional fees. At the time, there were not many people in the tour group so we had plenty of time to take pictures. When the sun shined on the different parts of the canyon and you took the pictures at the canyon from different angles so the pictures had a dramatically different look.

Photo Date: 2019.11.18 Location: Page, Arizona

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