Travel/POI: Grand Staircase–Escalante National Monument (大階梯-埃斯卡蘭特國家保護區), Utah USA

The Grand Staircase–Escalante National Monument (GSENM) is a United States national monument protecting near 1.9 million acres of land in southern Utah. It is broken up into three geographical sections. From west to east: the Grand Staircase, the Kaiparowits Plateau, and the Canyons of the Escalante (Escalante River) . The Grand Staircase stretches south from Bryce Canyon National Park, through Zion National Park, and into Grand Canyon National Park. It is spectacular and contains the most extensive network of slot canyons in Utah. Lots of colorful scenery here. The 1,600-square-mile Kaiparowits plateau rises thousands of feet from Glen Canyon National Recreation Area's Lake Powell to the south. It features unique sedimentary rock formations containing an unbroken record of fossils spanning 30 million years. It is the highest, wildest, most arid, most remote part of the monument. The Canyons of the Escalante is a collective name for the erosional landforms created by the Escalante River and its tributaries—the Escalante River Basin. Active waterfalls, arches, riparian oases, sculpted slickrock and narrow canyons are part of the appeal of hikes through the Escalante’s backcountry. There are no official entrances into the monument(s), but a number of visitor centers surround the area. The main visitor center is located at 755 W. Main St., Escalante, UT 84726 (Tel: 435-826-5499). We did not visit the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument. When we drove on Highway 89, we saw a series of majestic rocks and I quickly captured some pictures of them in the car. I thought that we should visit them in the future.
大階梯-埃斯卡蘭特國家紀念碑 (GSENM) 是一座美國國家紀念碑,保護猶他州南部近190萬英畝的土地。它分為三個地理部分,從西到東:大階梯 (Grand Staircase)、凱帕羅威茨高原 (Kaiparowits Plateau)和埃斯卡蘭特 (Escalante) 峽谷(埃斯卡蘭特河)。大階梯從布萊斯 (Bryce) 峽谷國家公園向南延伸,穿過錫安 (Zion) 國家公園,進入大峽谷 (Grand Canyon) 國家公園。它非常壯觀,有猶他州覆蓋範圍最廣的狹縫峽谷區。這裡風景多姿多彩。佔地 1,600 平方英里的凱帕羅威茨高原從格倫 (Glen) 峽谷國家休閒區的鮑威爾湖 (Lake Powell) 向南拔地而起,海拔數千英尺。它有獨特的沉積岩地層,其中包含跨越 3000 萬年的完整化石記錄。它是紀念碑中最高、最荒涼、最干旱、最偏遠的部分。埃斯卡蘭特峽谷是埃斯卡蘭特河及其支流-埃斯卡蘭特河流域所形成的侵蝕地形的統稱。活躍的瀑布、拱門、沿河岸的綠洲、光滑的岩石和狹窄的峽谷是吸引去埃斯卡蘭特偏遠地區徒步旅行的部分原因。紀念碑沒有正式入口,但周圍有許多遊客中心。主要遊客中心位於 755 W. Main St., Escalante, UT 84726(電話:435-826-5499)。我們並沒有進入大階梯-埃斯卡蘭特國家紀念碑去玩,而是當我們開在89號公路上,看到一連串雄偉壯麗的岩石,趕緊在車上捕捉一些它的身影,心想以後有機會,應該來探訪一下。

Photo Date: 2023.09.21 Location: Grand Staircase–Escalante National Monument

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