Travel/POI: Bryce Canyon National Park (布萊斯峽谷國家公園), Utah - Introductions, Sunrise Point, Queen's Garden, Navajo Loop Trail, Sunset Point

"Fiery colors and endless vistas give way to a spectacular, breathtaking display of dreamy landscape" is used in one of the travel guide books to describe Bryce Canyon National Park. What a fitting description. Bryce Canyon National Park is located in southwestern Utah. Despite its name, Bryce Canyon National Park is not a canyon but a collection of giant natural amphitheaters along the eastern side of the Paunsaugunt Plateau. Bryce is distinctive due to geological structures called hoodoos, formed by frost weathering and stream erosion of the river and lake bed sedimentary rocks. The red, orange, and white colors of the rocks provide spectacular views for park visitors. The Bryce Canyon area was settled by Mormon pioneers in the 1850s and was named after Ebenezer Bryce, who homesteaded in the area in 1874. The area around Bryce Canyon was originally designated as a national monument by President Warren G. Harding on June 8, 1923 and was redesignated as a national park by Congress in 1928. So there are some centenary celebrations this year in 2023, but I missed them because I only just noticed them now. Although I have been here four times, every time I take a different trail and I have a different experience. In 2023 we started with the most popular hike - the Queen's/Navajo Combination Loop. It combines the open views and unique hoodoos of the Queen's Garden Trail with the iconic switchbacks and towering canyon walls of the Navajo Loop Trail. Descend Queen's Garden at Sunrise Point, ascend the Navajo Loop to Sunset Point, and then complete the loop back to Sunrise Point via the Rim Trail, enjoying views into the Bryce Canyon Amphitheater below. This loop is 2.9 miles (4.6 km) long with 625 feet (191 meters) elevation gain.
一本旅遊指南書中如此描述布萊斯峽谷國家公園:"火紅般的色彩和無止盡壯觀的美景,讓夢幻般的風景展現在眼前,令人嘆為觀止"。這是多麼恰當的描述啊。布萊斯峽谷國家公園位於猶他州西南部。雖然它名為布萊斯峽谷國家公園,但它並不是一個峽谷,而是沿著保恩索貢特高原 (Paunsaugunt Plateau) 東側的一系列巨大的天然圓形露天劇場。布萊斯因其由侵蝕而形成的岩柱(hoodoos)地質結構而與眾不同,這種地質結構是由河流和湖床沉積岩的凍裂作用和河道侵蝕而形成。紅、橙和白色的岩石為公園遊客帶來了壯觀的景色。1850年代摩門教拓荒者在布萊斯峽谷地區定居下來,1874年埃比尼澤·布萊斯(Ebenezer Bryce)在這地區建造家園,便以他的姓來命名。1923年6月8日沃倫·G·哈丁(Warren G. Harding) 總統指定布萊斯峽谷周圍地區為國家紀念碑,後來在1928年被國會列為國家公園。所以今年2023年有一些百年慶典活動,只是我現在才注意到,便錯過了。雖然我來過這裏四次了,但是每次走不同的步道,感受也不同。2023年我們從最受歡迎的步道開始——皇后/納瓦霍組合環線 (Queen's/Navajo Combination Loop)。它結合了女王花園步道(Queen's Garden Trail)的開闊視野和獨特的岩柱,以及納瓦霍環路非常出名的之字形和高聳的峽谷壁。從日出點(Sunrise Point)往下至女王花園(Queen's Garden),沿著納瓦霍環路(Navajo Loop)往上到達日落點(Sunset Point),然後再走邊緣步道(Rim Trail)完成環狀步行路線,返回日出點,在此可欣賞下面布萊斯峽谷露天劇場的景色。這條環狀步道長2.9英里(4.6公里),海拔增益625英尺(191公尺)。

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Photo Date: 2023.09.18 Location: Bryce, Utah

Sunrise Point is the northernmost of the four major viewpoints that overlook the iconic Bryce Amphitheater. At an elevation of 8,100 feet, it provides one with a 360 degree view and is a great choice for stargazers. The view of the rock formations (hoodoos) within the Bryce Amphitheater is exceptional as well. Sunrise point is also on the horseback riding route. It is another way to experience the park. If you are interested, you can check out Horseback Riding & Stock for more information. To the northeast, you can see the flat-topped feature of Boat Mesa and the angled slope of Sinking Ship set against the stark Pink Cliffs of the Table Cliff Plateau. To the east, you can see the large crown-shaped feature in the middle of the Bryce Amphitheater is known as Bristlecone Point. To the south, you can also see Sunset, Inspiration, and Bryce Points along the forested rim of the Paunsagunt Plateau.
日出點 (Sunrise Point) 是俯瞰非常出名的布萊斯露天劇場的四個主要觀景點中最北端的觀景點。海拔8,100英尺,360度的視野,是觀星者的絕佳選擇點。布萊斯露天劇場內的岩層(岩柱)景觀也非常獨特。日出點也在騎馬路線上,這是體驗公園的另一種方式。如果您有興趣,可以查看騎馬和畜牧使用以了解更多資訊。在東北方,您可以看到船台地 (Boat Mesa) 的平頂和沈船 (Siking Ship) 的傾斜斜坡,與桌崖高原 (Table Cliff Plateau) 的粉紅懸崖 (Pink Cliffs) 形成鮮明對比。在東邊,您可以看到布萊斯露天劇場中央的巨大皇冠形地,稱為狐尾松點 (Bristlecone Point)。在南部,您還可以沿著龐沙貢特高原 (Paunsagunt Plateau) 森林邊緣看到日落點 (Sunset)、靈感點 (Inspiration) 和布萊斯點 (Bryce Point)。

Photo Date: 2023.09.18 Location: Sunrise Point

Queen's Garden Trail is the least difficult of the trails descending from the rim into the Bryce Canyon Amphitheater. It is 0.9 miles (1.45 km) long with 450 feet (137 meters) elevation gain to Queen Victoria hoodoo.
女王花園步道是從邊緣步道往下到布萊斯峽谷露天劇場難度最低的步道。它到維多利亞女王岩柱的步道長0.9 英里(1.45公里),海拔增益450英尺(137 公尺)。

Photo Date: 2023.09.18 Location: Queen's Garden Trail

This section is supposed to be Queen Victoria standing guard over her garden. I am not sure which one is Queen Victoria hoodoo. I just can't recognize it. Looking at the map, this section is about 0.8 miles (1.3 km) long. I saw several Golden-mantled Ground Squirrels here.
這區應該是維多利亞女王守護她的花園。我不確定哪一個是維多利亞女王岩柱,我認不出來。從地圖上看,這路段長約 0.8 英里(1.3 公里)。我在此可看到好幾隻金背黄鼠 (Golden-mantled Ground Squirrel)。

Photo Date: 2023.09.18 Location: Queen Victoria standing guard over her garden

The Navajo Loop Trail is one of Bryce Canyon National Park’s most popular trails. Its switchbacks wind between narrow walls of colorful limestone with views of towering Douglas-fir trees and the park's most famous hoodoo: Thor's hammer. The loop has two sides: Two Bridges and Wall Street. We took Wall Street route. It is 0.7 miles (1.1 km) long with 515 feet (157 meters) elevation gain.
納瓦霍環路步道是布萊斯峽谷國家公園最受歡迎的步道之一。它蜿蜒在色彩繽紛的石灰岩狹窄的牆壁之間,可以看到高聳的花旗松 (Douglas-fir) 和公園最著名的岩柱:雷神之鎚 (Thor's hammer)。環路有兩側:兩座橋和華爾街。我們走的是華爾街路線。它長0.7 英里 (1.1 公里),海拔增益515英尺(157 公尺)。

Photo Date: 2023.09.18 Location: Navajo Loop Trail

Nowhere are the colors of Bryce Canyon's rock better displayed than from Sunset Point. It offers vistas of some of the most famous and breathtaking of Bryce Canyon's hoodoos. Thor's Hammer is a favorite among visitors. As the name suggests, it is also a good place for watching the sunset. I also saw White-breasted nuthatch and Steller's Jay here. Ponderosa pine can be seen here too.
沒有什麼地方比日落點更能展現布萊斯峽谷岩石的顏色了。在這裡可以欣賞到布萊斯峽谷最著名、最令人驚嘆的岩柱景觀。雷神之鎚是遊客的最愛。顧名思義,這裡也是觀賞日落的好地方。我在這裡還看到了白胸鳾 (注音ㄕ)(White-breasted nuthatch) 和暗冠藍鴉 (Steller's Jay)。在這也可看到黄松 (Ponderosa pine)。

Photo Date: 2023.09.18 Location: Sunset Point

Flashback 回顧

We first visited Bryce Canyon National Park in 1997. Although we liked it very much, my husband was suffering from back pain and couldn't walk far, so we only took photos at the scenic spots and didn't walk any of the trails.

Photo Date: 1997.07

We started our morning at Zion National Park on September 17, 2017 and by the time we drove to Bryce Canyon National Park it was 3pm. We parked at Sunset Point and took the Navajo Loop Trail. In retrospect, had it not been for my daughter's encouragement and persuasion, we probably would not have been able to walk such a steep path and appreciate the beauty of Bryce Canyon National Park in depth. I really want to thank her for being with us and helping us to build such wonderful memories and experiences.
2017年9月17日我們早上先去錫安國家公園 (Zion National Park),等到開車到布萊斯峽谷國家公園的時候已經下午3點了。我們停車在日落點 (Sunset Point),然後走納瓦霍環路步道 (Navajo Loop Trail)。現在回想起來,要不是我女兒的鼓勵及慫恿,我們大概也走不動這麼陡的路,也不能更深入欣賞布萊斯峽谷國家公園的美,我真的要感謝她和我們在一起並幫助我們建立如此美好的回憶和經歷。

Photo Date: 2017.09.17 Location: Sunset Point
Photo Date: 2017.09.17 Location: Navajo Loop Trail

On November 19, 2019 we joined my husband's high school classmates from Taiwan and their wives to build beautiful memories here as well.

Photo Date: 2019.11.19 Location: Navajo Loop Trail

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