Prose 生活隨筆: Reflection on the 100th Post (my old blog) 第 100 篇貼文的感想(舊部落格)

(This post was published on my old blog on December 30, 2020.)
(這篇貼文在 2020 年 12 月 30 日發表於我的舊部落格。)

I started writing my first blog post in June 2020. I never expected to write my 100th post by the end of 2020. In the process of writing/creating posts, my emotions are released, my imagination and creativity are activated, my ability to observe and to learn is increased, and my sweet time in communicating with God increases, and the practices of waiting and listening to the voice of God also allows me to have some spiritual growth. These benefits are beyond my expectations. Through this post I would like to encourage you and myself, whether in writing, drawing, writing lyrics, composing music or photography, playing the piano, singing, dancing… Discover and use your hidden talents/abilities and you will find joy and peace through it.

2020 is an unforgettable year. Not only for an individual; the entire country and even the world are facing great shocks. 2020 is finally coming to an end. I don’t want to look back on the unsettling and turbulent days of the year, but instead I want to count the blessings.

In February, we celebrated my father’s 88th birthday. He still has good hearing and eye-sight. His hearing and eye-sight are probably better than mine. Although he had experienced internal hemorrhage at the end of the year, I believe that God will take care of him and let him gradually recover to the state of speedy walk again. In February, my 86-year-old mother fell several times. Thank the Lord for His protection. She was all right with no broken bones. It also prompted my sister to actively apply for a long-term care program for my mother. Fortunately, my mother has a good care-giver who takes her to a rehabilitation facility twice a week. Her walking is much steadier than before. I am also very grateful to my family in Taiwan for the time, effort and care they have put into taking care of my elderly parents. I am also grateful for God’s mercy and grace for touching all things big and small. Many seemingly difficult situations are resolved one by one.

Everyone was planning to visit Taiwan to celebrate my parents’ 60th wedding anniversary. Due to the pandemic, we had to cancel in-person events. It is also because of the pandemic that Zoom allows everyone to easily video chat remotely to celebrate this rare event together. It is not easy to maintain a 60-year marriage. To be considerate, compromise, tolerate, respect, care… for each other are the examples that they set for us to learn.

“60” seems to be a good number following around us this year. We also used Zoom to celebrate my husband’s 60th birthday. Modern people live longer so 60 years old is not considered an advanced age. But in ancient China, 60 is considered a big birthday. I wish my husband a long and healthy life like my father.

Another blessing is the safe birth of my first granddaughter. The pandemic is tough for everyone. We pray for my daughter and unborn baby in our daily Bible reading/home praying zoom meetings. Thank God for His caring and they have a safe delivery. Seeing our lovely little granddaughter growing day by day brings us a lot of joy. May God bless her abundantly. She will become a God loving and godly person. She will discover and use all the God-given abilities to become a person who can bless others richly.

Finally, I want to share with you a song that I love very much, “The Blessing“. I also would like to bless you with the Bible verses quoted in the lyrics. Numbers 6:24-26 “The Lord bless you and keep you; The Lord make His face shine upon you, And be gracious to you; The Lord lift up His countenance upon you, And give you peace.”

從2020六月開始寫第一篇部落格文章,萬萬沒想到在2020年底能寫第100篇。在寫作或創作的過程中,我的情感得以釋放,想像力及創造力得以啟動,觀察及學習的能力得以增長,甚至與神親蜜交通的時間加增,等待及聆聽神聲音的練習也讓我靈命有些成長。這些好處都是我始料未及的。藉著這篇文章鼓勵你也鼓勵我,不管是提起筆來寫作、畫畫、填詞、作曲或是攝影、彈琴、唱歌、跳舞⋯ 發掘你的濳能,也在其中有喜樂及平安。

2020 年是個令人難忘的一年,不只是從個人的角度來看,整個國家甚至全球都面臨大震動。2020 總算接近尾聲,不想回顧這一年來人心惶惶風聲鶴唳的日子,反 倒想數算一下恩典。

二月的時候,慶祝父親過 88 歲生日,高齡的他仍耳聰目明,雖然近年尾時經歷了內出血的驚嚇,但我相信神會看顧他,讓他日漸恢復健走如飛的健康。二月 86 歲的母親摔跤數次,但在神的保守下都安然無事;這也促使妹妹積極為媽媽申請長照,很幸運媽媽有個很好的陪照員,每星期帶她去復健兩次,現在走路比以前健穩許多。在此我也很感激在臺灣的家人為照料年邁的爸媽所擺上的時間、心力及照顧。我也感激上帝的恩手處處觸碰大小事,讓許多看來棘手的事,都一一迎刃而解。

今年原本大家要回臺灣幫爸媽慶祝結婚 60 周年紀念日,但因為疫情的關係我們無法成行,但也因為疫情的關係,Zoom 讓大家能在各地輕鬆的遠距離視訊,一起慶賀這個難得的日子。要維護一個長達 60 年的婚姻並不是一件容易的事,他們互相體諒、忍讓、包容、敬愛、照護⋯ 都是值得我們學習的。

“60” 似乎是今年圍繞著我們的好數字。我們也用 Zoom 的聚會方式幫我先生慶祝 60 歲生日。現代人比較長壽,60 歲不算高齡,但在古時的中國,60 算是大壽。祝福我先生能像我爸爸一樣長壽健康。

另一個恩典是我的第一個外孫女平安的誕生。在疫情嚴重的今年,我們常常在每日的讀經禱告 Zoom 的家聚會中為我女兒及未出生的小娃娃禱告。感謝神的保守,一切順利平安。看到可愛的小外孫女日日成長,給我們帶來許多的喜樂。也願神看顧祝福她,成為一個敬虔愛神,發掘並應用神所賜與的濳能,成為一個能賜福與他人的人。

最後我要與你分享一首我很愛的歌「祝福」(中文版)。也在此用歌詞引用的聖經經文來祝福你。民數記 6:24-26 “願耶和華賜福給你,保護你。願耶和華使他的臉光照你,賜恩給你。願耶和華向你仰臉,賜你平安。”

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