Prose 生活隨筆: Reflection on the 300th Post (my old blog) 第 300 篇貼文的感想(舊部落格)

(This post was published on my old blog on October 1, 2021.)
(這篇貼文在 2021 年 10 月 1 日發表於我的舊部落格。)

I have not been writing for almost two months. It was hard for me to write anything since my dad had been hospitalized in July. It is October 1 and I decide it is a good day to start writing again. There were many things that had touched my heart in the past two months. I hope I can articulate them and share them with you all. For now, I’ll use this 300th post as a token to encourage myself to write again. I chose the photo that I took in Taiwan on the Moon Festival day for this post. The bright red cross stood out in the silent dark night. It looked like a shining beacon, bringing hope and providing guidance to people. My spirit was also encouraged and lifted up.

自從爸爸七月在臺灣生病住院後,在過去將近兩個月裡我實在無法定下心來寫東西。今天是十月一日,我想就從今天起再開始寫吧。這兩個月中,有許多觸摸到我心靈的事,希望我能用筆墨表達出來,與你們共享。我就用這第 300 篇文章作為一個鼓勵的標記。我選了一張我在中秋節夜裡在臺灣照的照片作為這篇文章的配圖,紅色明亮的十字架在寂靜的黑夜裡顯得特別的突顯,好似一盞發亮的燈塔,給人帶來希望和指引。我的靈也因之被鼓舞。

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